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And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

The StoryTellers Project at FUMCR

As people, we all have unique stories to tell. Everyone's story matters.

The StoryTellers Project at FUMCR gives a home to the stories of our people. We are doing this by gathering volunteers and equipping them to collect stories in our community through recorded audio interviews and conversations.

The Traction - What have we done so far?

  •  The StoryTeller’s Project kicked off in January 2016. We currently are comprised of eleven Certified Story Gatherers, one Transcription Specialist, three Members of our Leadership Team of Staff and Lay persons, and two Project Advisors outside of FUMCR.

  •  We have re-developed the 6 hour training course for Story Gatherer Preparation and condensed it down a 1.5 hour training course facilitated by Frances Long.

  •  We have 10 recorded interviews with over 17 hours of recorded interview tape, 3 Full Interview Transcriptions, 5 Summary Transcriptions, and all recorded interviews have the appropriate release information and conditions allowing rebroadcasting the interview.


So what does the StoryTellers Project need now?

Within our community are more Story Gatherers, Transcribers, Computer Geniuses, and creative and passionate people who can cobble our collections of stories into meaningful pieces for people to hear in church, in small groups or online through social media or podcasts.

Would you consider volunteering to be an active part of the StoryTellers Project?


We need to hear your stories. Currently we are gathering stories about faith journeys. Some people may have had a specific moment where they realized their Christian faith, for others it may have been a gradual revelation, and in others it may still be an ongoing exploration. But for all of us, there are stories that surround all steps of our journeys. Tales of big and small moments that may push us a little further down our path.

Would you consider sharing your story with StoryTellers Project?

Everyone’s story matters.

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