... for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. - 1 John 3:20
Our Mission
Through study, prayer, service, and fellowship we are making disciples by connecting men with God, our church, our community and each other. God works for good in all things, and Men of Faith wants to help all men become greater than themselves by joining in God's work.
Men of Faith hopes that all men who attend FUMCR will consider themselves part of this ministry and feel welcome in all of the opportunities we offer.
Andy Pendleton • Andy.Pendleton@legacymutual.com
Scott Smith • scottssmith36@gmail.com
Justin Duncan • duncan.justinedward@gmail.com
Scott Luginbill • scott@fumcr.com
Bible Studies
• Monday mornings, 7-8 am, online only
• Tuesday mornings, 7:30-8:30 am, Bartula Family Life Center Room 1D/E
• Wednesday mornings every other week, 7-8 am, offsite
• Wednesday nights, 7-8 pm, offsite
• 2nd & 4th Thursday nights, 8 pm. for dads with young kids and soon-to-be dads, offsite
Don't see a group and want to start another? Contact Pastor Scott Luginbill at scott@fumcr.com
Upcoming Events & Activities
Friday is for the Fellas | April 11, 2025, 8-9am, Ogden Fellowship Hall
Enjoy a light breakfast, great conversation, and an inspiring message from Bianca Davis, CEO of New Friends New Life - a powerful ministry dedicated to protecting and empowering women in our society. Discover how we, as men of faith, can make a meaningful impact and continue to support this vital mission. Invite a friend and be part of something greater. See you there!
We Support
• The Bob Moxham Men of Faith Scholarship is given annually to graduating high school senior boy(s).
• Richardson Area Interfaith Habitat - Promote and recruit volunteers for the Spring and Fall builds.
• Kairos Prison Ministry - Promote and recruit volunteers to support the prison ministry.
• New Friends New Life - Provide support for the New Friends New Life Men's Advocacy Group by providing positive male role models for children during monthly programs.
• SPAN (Single Parent Action Network) - Provide support through preparation and serving of meals at some of the monthly meetings during the year.