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Gifts, Tithes, Offerings

For where your heart is, there your treasure will be also. - Matthew 6:21

Legacy Giving to FUMCR Foundation

Honor the generations that have built FUMCR and bless the generations to come with a gift to our Permanent Endowment Fund.

Many who came before us prepared a place for us. They started this community to be a place of worship; a place for children, youth, and adults to discover their identities as children of God; a place to serve the community and the world; a place where all are welcomed and challenged to grow. This is a place where we learn to love God and love our neighbor.

Now, it is our turn to plant the seeds for those who will come after us. A legacy gift is a gift of assets given when they are no longer being used, usually given through your estate. Join the promise of FUMCR to future generations by giving a legacy gift.

The FUMCR Foundation, Inc., has been established to manage, sustain, and increase our permanent endowment fund. The fund's income is dedicated to the maintenance and care of the physical facilities of FUMCR, in hopes that maintenance costs currently being included in annual operating budgets can ultimately be removed and be replaced by additional missions and ministries. You can enhance the FUMCR of tomorrow by becoming a Legacy Leader today.

Estate Intention Letter

Your Legacy Matters Here


  • What is the FUMCR Foundation?

    Governed by a 9-member board, the Foundation has been established to manage, sustain, and increase our permanent endowment fund. The fund's income is dedicated to the maintenance and care of the physical facilities of FUMCR, in hopes that maintenance costs currently being included in annual operating budgets can ultimately be removed and be replaced by additional missions and ministries.

    Current board members are listed on the Lay Leaders webpage.

  • What is a Legacy Leader?

    A Legacy Leader is someone who has made a commitment to a future gift to the church through family estate planning, memorials, securities, or other planned giving channels. Direct contributions are also welcome.

  • How is this different from an Annual Campaign?

    Our goal is that the endowment fund will cover the care and maintenance of our facilities allowing the annual budget to cover expanded missions and outreach ministries. Legacy giving should not replace an annual pledge.

  • Is my gift tax deductible?

    Yes. The FUMCR Foundation is an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. You should consult with your tax or financial advisor on gifts of this nature.

  • What if I already have plans to provide an estate or future gift to the church?

    If you have not advised the church of your plans, we ask that you complete a non-binding and confidential Estate Intention Letter so that we can count you among our group of Legacy Leaders. You may choose to be anonymous if so desired.

Additional Q&A

For more information, please contact Dianne Weideman at / 972.996.0106.

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