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Caring Ministry

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

We welcome the following outside support groups that meet regularly at FUMCR. As always, church membership is not a requirement to attend meetings.

Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Support Group

2nd Saturday of each month (Aug 14, Sept 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11), 2-4 pm, meeting virtually

Regularly scheduled meetings are designed to provide emotional, educational and social support for a care-partner of persons with Alzheimer's disease. The goal is to help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems. Support Groups are led by trained volunteer facilitators. 

For more information, contact Judy Williams at or Karen Risser at

The Alzheimer’s Association is available for presentations on the 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s, Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body, and others. View a list of Available Programs online. Call 800.272.3900 anytime to speak with master’s level care consultants who can offer decision-making support, crisis assistance, and education on issues families face every day.

Codependientes Anonimos (Co-Dependents Anonymous in Spanish)

Fridays, 7 pm, Room 210

Contact: Nicole - 469.468.4105 /

Compulsive Eaters Anonymous (CEAHOW)

Mondays, 7 pm, meeting virtually
Saturdays, 9 am, meeting virtually

Contact: Pat - 

MA (Marijuana Anonymous)

Those struggling with habitual marijuana use, dependency or addiction and their family members.
Open: visitors (support/non-addicts/employees) allowed on the first meeting of the month only.
Closed: for those who have a desire to quit using marijuana on all other Sundays of the month.
Contacts: Beth F - 469.219.1538, or Colette R - 214.223.2842 or
Beginners, Discussion, Non-smoking, Wheelchair Accessible, Closed, English

Schizophrenia Support Group

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, continuing online

Contact Deborah at for the link to the Zoom room. First names only are used in meetings.

Additional External Resources

ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION - Local support groups and information
DIABETES ASSOCIATION - Information and support
I CAN SURVIVE - Cancer survivors email group

Caring Ministry Connections
Service of Hope

Sun, Apr 6, 5-6 pm, Worship & Arts Center

Grief Recovery - Help for Hurting Hearts

Thursdays, Apr 10 - May 15, 11:30am-1pm, Room 205

Men's Grief Group Coffee

1st Wednesdays, 7-8:30am, Ogden Fellowship Hall

Women's Life After... Coffee

2nd Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30am

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