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Caring Ministry

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. - Hebrews 10:23 NIV

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence occurs when one person in an intimate relationship exercises power and control over the other through a pattern of intentional behaviors including emotional, physical, sexual, economic, and verbal abuse. 

Domestic violence affects both men and women, and is the leading cause of injury to women ages 15-44 in the United States.

A Conversation with Genesis Women's Shelter CEO Jan Langbeim

Signs, Symptoms, and Next Steps

  • Self
    Are any of these happening to you?

      •  Cruel or hurtful remarks, frequent criticism or belittling
      •  No control over what you do, who you talk to or where you go
      •  Not allowed to see friends and family
      •  No control over your finances
      •  Slapping, shoving, punching, choking threatening with weapons or forced unwanted sex
      •  Telling you that the physical violence was your fault or denying it happened
      •  Property destroyed
      •  Children threatened to be taken or subjected to harsh, physical and verbal discipline                                                     

  • Others
    How can I recognize someone that may be abused?

      •  A partner that is jealous, possessive or has a bad temper
      •  Over-eagerness to please the abuser
      •  Unusual or frequent "checking-in" with the abusive partner to get permission to see family and friends
      •  Frequent unexplained injuries or "accidents"
      •  Low self-esteem and self-worth
      •  Limited access to friends, family or transportation
      •  Controlling all money spent in the household
      •  Frequent absences from school, work or other social activities

      More examples, warning signs, and ways to help                                                                                            

  • Response
    How should I respond?


      •  Call, chat or email with one of the resources below as an advocate for the abused
      •  Listen to them without judgement, acknowledge they are in a scary situation and be supportive
      •  Remind them that it’s NOT their fault, and they deserve better
      •  Provide a safe place for the abused to come to when they are ready to leave the relationship
      •  Remind them that there is nothing they can do to change their partner’s behavior
      •  Offer to pray with them for God’s strength to leave the abusive relationship
      •  Help them develop a safe plan for leaving the relationship
      •  Encourage them to reach out and talk to those that can provide help, such as the resources below
      •  Continue to pray for them and remember that you cannot "rescue them"


      •  Be judgmental of their situation, choices, actions or inactions
      •  Make excuses for the abuser, or accuse the abused of being "overly sensitive"
      •  Attempt to explain or rationalize the abuser’s behavior
      •  Encourage them to stay and "work it out"                                                                                                                                   

  • Resources

    Information, Hotlines & Support

    National Domestic Violence Hotline  •  •  800.799.7233              
    Love Is Respect  •  •  888.331.9474  •  Text “Love is” to 22522
    RAINN – National Sexual Assault Hotline  •  •  800.656.HOPE (4673)
    Securing housing after domestic violence

    Victim Resource Lists •  Collin County •  Dallas County

    Battering Intervention and Prevention Programs for Abusers •  Collin County •  Dallas County 

    Dallas-Area Support & Shelter Information

    The Counseling Place  • (Richardson)
    CHETNA – South Asian Victims of Domestic Violence  • (Richardson)
    Hope's Door New Beginning Center  •
    Genesis Women’s Shelter  •
    The Family Place  •
    Mosaic Family Services  •
    The Salvation Army, Collins Social Service Center  • 
    Brighter Tomorrows  •
    Denton County Friends of the Family  •
    Bella House  • 
    The Turning Point  •
    Agape Resource and Assistance Center •

    Important Phone Numbers

    Emergency  •  911
    Richardson Police Department  •  972.744.4800
    Dallas Police Department  •  214.671.3001
    Garland Police Department  •  972.485.4840
    Plano Police Department  •  972.424.5678
    Allen Police Department  •  214.509.4200

    Bible Study/Group Curriculum

    General Board of Church and Society - 4 session study - Hidden in Plain Sight: A Call to End Domestic Violence
    General Commission on United Methodist Men - 8 session study - AMEND Together 

    Get Educated

    Stronger Women Survivor Support and Training
    Genesis Women's Shelter Podcast
    Genesis Women's Shelter Blog
    Genesis Women's Shelter Video Library

Domestic violence isn’t just the problem of the abused and abuser.  It isn’t a question of race or income, and it doesn’t just happen "somewhere else."

Domestic violence abuse victims are our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers and our children, and domestic violence is happening right here in Richardson and in your neighborhood—maybe even in your own home.

As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called not only to pray for others, but to take action when we see injustice.

We have a congregational obligation to recognize the signs and symptoms of domestic violence, to be a beacon of hope and a resource for others to get help and to get out, and to be a living example of a different way of life—with hope and without fear. Empowering ourselves with the information about the signs and symptoms of domestic violence is the first step, knowing the resources available and what actions we can take to help is the next step.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV)

Visit FUMCR Church & Society for additional information on the topic of domestic violence.

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