Come as you are. All are welcome, and we have room for you.
We look forward to worshiping with you in person or online!

Sundays in the Sanctuary
Dr. Clayton Oliphint, preaching
Youth Choir
Adult Choir
Adult Choir
Youth Choir
Adult Choir
Adult Choir

Sundays in the Worship & Arts Center
Rev. Allison Jean, preaching
Modern Band / Monthly Modern Choir
Modern Band / Monthly Modern Choir

Dr. Clayton Oliphint, preaching
Worship Series
Jan 5 - Feb 9 • Who(se) We Are
At the new year, we often want to reset and ask important questions: Who are we? What are our values? What are our goals? As Christians, we don’t come up with these ideas out of thin air. Who we are and what matters to us comes from who we know we belong to. To kick off 2025, we are going to dive into who we are, which is based in whose we are: We belong to Christ. Join us as we dive into our FUMCR values and discover the way Christ shows us how to live them out.
Feb 16 - Mar 5 • Grace Unleashed
If you had to define Methodist Christianity by one word, this would be it: Grace. Grace is so much bigger than forgiveness – it is the empowering force in the lives of those who follow Jesus. Throughout these three weeks, we will explore the unique and foundational beliefs we hold about Grace as Methodist Christians and the way those beliefs impact our daily lives.
Worship with Us Now!
Communion in the United Methodist Church is open to "all who love Jesus, who earnestly repent of their sin, and seek to live in peace with one another" without regard to age or church membership.
Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month during all worship services and at 12noon on other Sundays in Ogden Fellowship Hall East. Communion is taken by intinction: a wafer is received and then dipped in the cup, in order to take both elements together. All wafers are 100% gluten-free.
For Your Comfort
• CHILDREN of all ages are always welcome in worship! Children's bulletins and crayons are at entrances to worship spaces. Alternatively, nursery care is available for children 6 weeks - 2 years during all services. Sunday school is available for children 3 years - 12th grade at 9:45 and for children 3 years - kindergarten at 11 am.
• WHEELCHAIRS are accommodated in the Sanctuary beside the narrower front row pews and in the Worship & Arts Center in the front row of the stadium seats and at various ends of floor seats.
• ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES are available at the Welcome Desk and at Sanctuary doors to anyone with difficulty hearing.