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Missions & Community Engagement

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

Mission Work Area

The purpose of Mission Work Area is to:
- educate the congregation about what it means to be the church in mission
- involve the congregation in mission projects/agencies/concerns
- help mission agencies financially and with volunteer support
- increase giving of our congregation to missional concerns
- encourage Sunday school classes and age level ministries to participate in missions.

4th Monday of each month, 7 pm, Ogden Fellowship Hall

New members are always welcome to be a part of this group! Contact Kathy Nauschutz at for more information or to help.

Initiatives We Support

Cookie Caper

People donate and buy homemade cookies each spring. Proceeds are used to purchase workcamp supplies.

International Christmas Market 

Unique, fair-trade items and shares of non-profits are offered each November. All money spent goes beyond FUMCR.

Kafodzidzi School, Ghana

Funds for ongoing development of the school.

NETWORK of Community Ministries

Emergency assistance program that FUMCR supports with monthly, high-need donations to food pantry.
Church attendees drop off requested items in collection bins on our campus, and volunteers deliver the items to NETWORK on a weekly basis. There are a variety of volunteer roles and volunteer times are Monday through Wednesday 8 am to 4 pm, Thursday 8 am to 7 pm, Friday 10 am to Noon, and Saturday 9 am to 2 pm. More information is available on the Network Volunteer Webpage. Please direct questions to Jayce Graham at 

Richardson Area Interfaith Habitat 

Annual construction of a house over 10+ Saturdays each spring in cooperation with Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity. Builds take place from mid-March into June. The primary fundraiser is a 5-mile walk-a-thon that takes place the last Saturday of February. Contact Ed Murray at 972/301-2794 or  or Mike Proch at 214/415-0063 or  for details and how to register as a volunteer or support the walk-a-thon by walking or donating.

Visit RAIH online at
Follow RAIH on Facebook at

Skuinskloof Primary School, South Africa

FUMCR provides financial assistance and work teams to Africa to build and improve facilities at this school. 


Local, national, and international construction and maintenance are performed with a focus on natural disasters and poverty. Fundraising lunches provide money for supplies.


FUMCR has covenant relationships (salary support) with five United Methodist missionaries.

  •  David McCormick - Mission Advocate for the South Central Jurisdiction (Little Rock, AR)
  •  Elizabeth McCormick - Mission Advocate for the South Central Jurisdiction (Little Rock, AR)
  •  Guillermo (Willie) Berman - Border ministries, Reynosa, Mexico
  •  Lourdes Ramirez Mroczka – Guatemala
  •  Edmund Makowa – Africa

Missions & Community Engagement Opportunities
Habitat Build

10 Saturdays, Mar 1 - May 10

Creation Care Lunch

Sun, Mar 30, 11:45am-1pm, Coleman Family Hall

Missionary Speaker - Guillermo "Willie" Berman Ramirez

Sun, Apr 13, 9:45-10:45am, Coleman Family Hall

Mission Panama - Adventure with a Purpose

Thurs, Apr 24, 7pm, Coleman Family Hall

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