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Missions & Outreach

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

Support is continuing for single parents of children in grades K-12.
Dinner Meetings are at 6 pm on the dates listed below. Please sign up with this group or email to stay up to date. 

Single Parent Action Network (SPAN)

Respecting & valuing single parents & their children

AT SPAN, single parents/grandparents of K-12th grade students will find:
  •  A free, nutritious, family dinner with other single parents and their children
  •  Emotional and spiritual support for parents and kids where it's ok to share successes or vent frustrations
  •  Resources to help with time management, budgeting and more through informative programs for parents
  •  A fun, safe place for your children while you take some personal growth time - free nursery for infants and toddlers by licensed child care providers; activities for kids, including recreation, arts & crafts and special projects; a quiet environment for school-age kids to do homework

Monthly Opportunities

2024 Monthly Opportunities: Jul 15, Aug 19, Sept 16, Oct 21, Nov 18, Dec 16; BFLC Room 1D/E


Dinner  •  Hawana Townsley - 972.996.0145 or

Aging Out

After children graduate from high school, we rejoice with you. Anyone who is not a parent of a K-12th grade child must have completed Ministry Safe training and have a valid certificate on file with FUMCR to attend. Should you or your adult child need support from FUMCR, please contact Rev. Pavielle Jenkins at 972.235.8385 for options beyond SPAN's limited resources.

Gifts of Money or Time

SPAN welcomes contributions for the monthly dinners and emergency needs. Donations may be made by mailing a check, written to FUMCR, and mailed to the church. Please designate SPAN on your donation.

Contact Hawana Townsley at 972.996.0145 or to volunteer to provide a meal. SPAN is a perfect one-time or recurring mission for a small group.

Missions & Community Engagement Opportunities
Project Transformation Summer Programs

Camp Weeks in June and July; Family Fun Night July 18

SPAN "Starting a Fabulous New School Year"

Mon, Aug 19, 6:30-8 pm, Bartula Family Life Center

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