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Missions & Community Engagement

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

"Children First" School Partnerships

Our partnerships with Mark Twain Elementary and (new for 2024-25) Dover Elementary in Richardson ISD provide opportunities to make a difference in the lives of children and teachers in our community.

Whether reading with students, joining them for Buddy Fun Day, or supporting the hard work of the staff at their schools, it never fails to warm our hearts as we participate in the educational journey.

Email  to learn more or join the mailing list.

Support both schools by joining their PTAs as a community member at

We Read Together     PROGRAM webpage  

We Read Together is Richardson ISD’s volunteer initiative to champion early literacy skills for students. Many thanks to those who have volunteered at any of the WRT schools - Mark Twain, Greenwood Hills, Audelia Creek, Northrich, Richland, and RISD Academy! This partnership with Richardson ISD is vital to the academic and social development of pre-k through 2nd graders. Training and materials are provided. 

Check back in August for information for the 2024-25 volunteer orientations and program dates. The two-step registration process below remains the same as previous years.

2) Submit or update your application on VOLY 

RISD Background Check

Get ready to volunteer by completing the RISD volunteer application, which includes authorization for a background check. Be sure to indicate your interest in volunteering at Dover and/or Mark Twain Elementary Schools.


Ways to Serve our Partner Schools
RISD Backpack Bash at Partner Schools

Tues, Aug 6, Multiple Volunteer Slots Available at Mark Twain and Dover Elementary

Partner Schools Work Day

Sat, Aug 10, 9am-12pm, Mark Twain Elementary & Dover Elementary

Meet the Teacher at Mark Twain Elementary

Mon, Aug 12, 4:30pm - 6pm, Mark Twain Elementary

Mark Twain Elementary Pre-K Lunch Help

Aug 13 - 30, 10:15 - 10:45am, Mark Twain Elementary

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