Then Jesus said ... “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” - John 8:31-32
Senior Adult Ministry
EXPERIENCE friendship with others
GROW in your relationship to God
SERVE others
SHARE the benefit of the depth of your life experiences with the church and community
This ministry is always open. Friends and neighbors are welcome in our groups and programs anytime.
The Gathering
Monthly on most 2nd Mondays
9:00 Games on the Concourse
9:30 Council Meeting
11:00 Program
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Games on the Concourse
Registration deadline: noon the Friday prior
The Gazette - monthly news from Senior Adult Ministry
View the latest newsletter
Game Night
Monthly on 2nd Tuesdays, Fall and Spring, 6:00 BYO supper, 6:30-8:30 games, Ogden Fellowship Hall
Hosted by the Fellowship Class - Linda Ortman - / Nita Ulaszek -
Book Review Club
Monthly on 4th Thursdays, Fall and Spring, 2 pm, Ogden Fellowship Hall
Resource: First Richardson Helpers
972.996.0160 /
A faith- and community-based handyman program of seniors helping other seniors in the community with minor home maintenance and repairs, with a key focus on safety issues.
Senior Adult Ministry This Week