Upcoming Service Opportunities: fumcr.com/serve
Upcoming Adult Faith Formation Opportunities: fumcr.com/learn
Upcoming Events
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More Than Sunday Podcast Season 11
Mar 12 - Apr 23
This season is a companion to a church-wide Lenten study and worship series. We discuss Adam Hamilton's book, Wrestling with Doubt: Finding Faith with the author and other special guests from FUMCR.
Easter Flowers
Honor or remember a loved one with a donation toward Easter flowers that will decorate worship spaces on Easter Sunday.
Donations are accepted in increments of $15 online or by returning a donation envelope located in the pew backs Mar 30 - Apr 13.
Burgers, Bubbles, & Bids
Fri, Mar 28, 5:30-7:30pm, Playground Plaza
Join FUMCR Preschool for our annual auction! Enjoy burgers, a Bubble Bus, and a silent auction featuring projects from our preschool classes and several fun baskets.
Summer Sneak Peek
Sun, Mar 30, FUMCR Campus
Come by the Concourse or the Children's or Youth Ministry spaces for calendars, information, and donuts. Register for camps and trips by noon this day to be entered in a drawing for a huge discount!
Creation Care Lunch
Sun, Mar 30, 11:45am-1pm, Coleman Family Hall
All are invited to join a special Beyond Burger lunch to celebrate God's creation of the earth and learn about ways you can reduce food waste!
Service of Hope
Sun, Apr 6, 5-6 pm, Worship & Arts Center + online
Please join us for our Service of Hope where we will draw strength from our faith and community to find healing from our everyday struggles.
Grief Recovery - Help for Hurting Hearts
Thursdays, Apr 10 - May 15, 11:30am-1pm, Room 205
Those who have experienced the loss of a loved one are welcome, regardless of church affiliation, to come and process their grief and continue on a path of healing together.
Friday is for the Fellas
Fri, Apr 11, 8-9am (doors open at 7:45), Ogden Fellowship Hall
Enjoy a light breakfast, great conversation, and an inspiring message from Bianca Davis, CEO of New Friends New Life.
FUMCRYouth Pickleball Fundraiser
Apr 11, 5:30pm & all day Apr 12, Bartula Family Life Center
Help FUMCRYouth raise money for summer mission trips by playing pickleball!
Palm Sunday Worship
Apr 13
Join us as we begin Holy Week in commemoration of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem for Passover. Worship services will include palm parades, special music, and messages of hope.
Missionary Speaker - Guillermo "Willie" Berman Ramirez
Sun, Apr 13, 9:45-10:45am, Coleman Family Hall
Join us as we meet and learn from Guillermo “Willie” Berman Ramirez, an inspiring missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of the UMC coordinating impactful social outreach efforts.
Easter Story Walk
Apr 13-18, Playground Plaza
Bring your family during Holy Week to prepare for Easter morning! Walk through the story, The Mystery of Easter, to help your children understand the events around Jesus’s resurrection.
Easter Egg Hunt
Sun, Apr 13, 4-6pm, Oliphint Field
Join us for egg hunts (by age), face painting, petting zoo, crafts, photos with the Easter Bunny, and more!
Maundy Thursday Worship
Apr 17, 7pm, Sanctuary & Livestream
Maundy Thursday (also called Holy Thursday) is the first of the three days of solemn remembrance of the events leading up to and immediately following the crucifixion.
Good Friday Worship
Apr 18, 7pm, Sanctuary & Livestream
Our Good Friday service will commemorate Jesus's last earthly day with scripture, special music, and pastoral message.
Easter Sunday Worship
Celebrate Easter in worship with us!
Traditional Worship - 8:30, 9:45, and 11am
Traditional Worship Livestream - 11am
Modern Worship - 9:45 and 11am
Online Worship - 9:45am and YouTube
Tuesday Afternoon Movies
Movies are free and all are welcome, so invite a friend!
Movies begin at 1:30 pm on most 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in the Worship & Arts Center.
Young Adult Game Night
Tues, Apr 22, 7-9pm, Coleman Family Hall
All Young Adults (ages 18-35) are invited to join us for a board game night with Custer Road UMC, FUMC Plano, and other area churches!
Mission Panama - Adventure with a Purpose
Thurs, Apr 24, 7pm, Coleman Family Hall
Join us for an inspiring discussion with our ministry partners, Cindy and David Ceballos. They will share their journey of building a mission in Panama and share service opportunities.
Children's Choir Spring Musical - Light it Up!
Sun, Apr 27, 3-4pm, Worship & Arts Center
The congregation is invited to our children's choir presentation of Light It Up! and their end-of-year celebration.
Children- and Youth-Led Worship
Sun, May 4, all services
Children will help lead our 8:45 service. Junior high and high school students will help lead during 9:45, 11am, and online services.
Kindergarten Bible Presentations
Sun, May 4, 11am-12pm, Sanctuary
All 11am worshipers will gather together for a special blended service. Kindergarteners will receive their own Bibles during the service!
2025 Senior Luncheon
Sun, May 4, 12-2pm, Bartula Family Life Center
Graduating high school seniors and their families are invited to a celebratory luncheon and presentation of the 2025 Scholarship Awards. No cost, but registration is required for planning purposes.
End-of-Year Celebration
Sun, May 4, 5-7pm, Westlake Skate Center, 413 Yale Dr, Garland, TX 75042
Children's Choirs and Handbells, God Squad, and Breakaway families are invited to a special end-of-year celebration!
FUMCRYouth Banquet
Sun, May 18, 5:30-7:30, Coleman Family Hall
All youth and parents are invited to the first-ever FUMCRYouth Banquet! Dress in your best as we celebrate the year we've had, recognize graduating seniors, and give out the coveted youth group awards!
High School Mission Trip
June 22-28
This summer, we are taking all of our students who completed grades 9-12 to Santa Fe, NM for a week of serving others, great friendship, and lots of fun.
Junior High Mission Trip
July 6-11
Teenagers, join us for a week-long trip in Norman, OK, where we will unplug from our phones and get to live out the church's mission by worshipping, having fun, and serving others together!
All-Church Musical: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Auditions: July 26 and 28
Shows: Sept 25-27
Mark your calendars now for the opportunity to join our exciting summer family musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! Auditions open to ages 3rd grade through adult.