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Adult Ministry

Then Jesus said ... “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” - John 8:31-32

Learning Communities

Want to learn something new or dig deeper into a topic? We are pleased to offer short-term classes and seminars on a variety of subjects throughout the year. Topics may include spiritual formation, Bible study, theology, personal growth, parenting, marriage enrichment, and others as they arise.

These groups, formed by common interest, offer opportunities to meet new people in the church and community and often span generations, thus adding to the richness of the experience. 

Registrations and payments, if any, are online through Fellowship One. Registration is required one week in advance to gauge interest by a minimum number of participants.

Have feedback about a previous Learning Community? We'd like to know! Tell us here

  • Becoming Disciples - Revelation  •  Jan 6 - April 7, 2025
        When & Where: Mon  •  Jan 6 - April 7, 2025  •  11:30am-1pm  •  BFLC 2A
        Led by: Rev. Sarah Marsalis-Luginbill
        Childcare: No

    Have you wanted to study the Bible but _____ (fill in the blank!) Bring your lunch and dive into Revelation with us! Become part of a community that will meet for small group discussion over your daily reading and study.
    We will not meet Jan 20, Feb 17, or Mar 17
    $20 per person

        REGISTER ONLINE Registration due at least one week prior to class start.
  • Women's Book Study: Unshakable Hope  •  Jan 14 - Apr 8
        When & Where: Tue  •  Jan 14 - Apr 8  •  11 - 12:30  •  Ogden Fellowship Hall
        Led by: Marsha Mayo & Susan Greene
    Take a closer look at 12 of scripture’s unbreakable promises and the hope they offer in Max Lucado's Unshakable Hope, Building Our Lives on the Promises of God. Weekly discussions will enhance your reading and understanding.

    Please purchase the book and read chapters 1 and 2 prior to the first gathering. 
        REGISTER ONLINE Registration due at least one week prior to class start.
  • Gospel Book Study with Pastor Allison  •  Jan 26, Feb 23, March 30, April 27
        When & Where: Sun  •  Jan 26, Feb 23, March 30, April 27  •  9:45 - 10:45  •  Room 212
        Led by: Rev. Allison Jean
        Childcare: Yes. Nursery (0-23 mos.) & Sunday school (2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 1st grade at 11)

    Read through the Gospels, Book-club style! Led by Pastor Allison Jean, come ready to discuss highlights, questions, and how you connect with God through your reading. All faith experience levels welcome.

    Discussion schedule:
    January 26 - Matthew
    February 23 - Mark
    March 30 - Luke
    April 27 - John

        REGISTER ONLINE Registration due at least one week prior to class start.
  • Pastor's Study: Walking Around the Parables  •  May 6 - May 27, weekly
        When & Where: Tue  •  May 6 - May 27, weekly  •  6-7:30pm  •  Room 205
        Led by: Dr. Dan Flanagan
        Childcare: No
    Pastor’s Study: Walking Around the Parables
    Tuesdays in May | 6, 13, 20, & 27 | 6:00-7:30 p.m.
    Led by Dr. Dan Flanagan
    Join us for a special four-week study, Walking Around the Parables, where we will explore the depth and meaning of Jesus’ parables in fresh and thought-provoking ways. Each session will focus on two or three parables, helping us see their relevance in our lives today. All are invited to come with an open heart and a curious mind as we journey together through these timeless teachings of Jesus and the teaching behind the story.  Please bring your Bible.
        REGISTER ONLINE Registration due at least one week prior to class start.
Events for Adults
The Gathering

2nd Mondays, Coleman Family Hall

Game Night

Tues, Mar 11, 6-8:30pm, Mays Hall

Soul Care - Women's Night of Worship

Tues, Mar 25, 7-8:30pm, Worship & Arts Center

Burgers, Bubbles, & Bids

Fri, Mar 28, 5:30-7:30pm, Playground Plaza

Creation Care Lunch

Sun, Mar 30, 11:45am-1pm, Coleman Family Hall

Blood Drive

Sun, Mar 6, 8am-12:30pm, FUMCR Parking Lot

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