And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40
Upcoming Mission Trips
Questions? Contact Tracy Thomas: or 972.996.0147
Western North Carolina (open)
May 24-31, 2025
Cost: $500 per person
A team of 20 will assist with all variety of hurricane recovery. If you are interested in this trip, please contact Tracy Thomas at or 972.996.0147.
Panama (open)
August 16-24, 2025
Cost: $1650 per person
FUMCR has taken several mission trips to Panama. We will travel to Santa Fe, Panama, to stay at a retreat center for the week, and travel from there each day to the job/clinic sites. If you are interested in this trip, please contact Tracy Thomas at or 972.996.0147.
Recent Mission Trips
February 22-March 2, 2025
Cost: $1700 per person
Most Mayan women in Guatemala cook over open flames, most of the time in the same space where they sleep. Stove Builders of Guatemala was officially started in 2011 with two young Guatemalan men who were trained in local stove building to prevent the need for open flames and to vent cooking smoke out of the home. Since then, work team members have returned to Guatemala regularly, working alongside these and other local stove builders, helping to build additional stoves through both hands-on and financial help. There are now 14 stove builders building stoves in seven towns. FUMCR team members will assist the lead stove builders in construction of approximately 20 stoves throughout the work week.
South Africa
August 8-18, 2024
A team traveled to Vaalwater, South Africa, to work with the school we have helped to support for the last several years - Skuinksloof Primary School. Work included painting the inside and outside of the school buildings and lavatories, staining and sealing floors, and other miscellaneous jobs. This trip required participants to be in good physical condition who could take the intense travel days to and from South Africa (minimum of 24 hours of travel time each way), and who could spend the days on their feet doing physical activities.
September 28-October 6, 2024
This was FUMCR's fourth time to take a medical team to serve in Panama., and this year, we added a construction group. Our medical team spent 4 days working in a clinic serving an Indigenous group in the Ngabe-Bugle Comarca. The construction team spent the same days working with the indigenous tribe to set the foundations for a pedestrian bridge over a river that children cross daily to get to school.
Missions & Community Engagement This Week