Caring Ministry

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Each blanket is specially prepared for its recipient with fringe and machine-embroidered United Methodist cross and flame. Requesters personally deliver them as a symbolic covering of prayer. 

  •  Prayer blankets are laid out during worship services for congregation members to tie knots in the fringe.
  •  Prayer blanket requests submitted by 5 pm Thursday will be accommodated on the upcoming Sunday. Requests received after 5 pm on Thursday will be accommodated on the following Sunday (a week later).
  •  The requestor can pick up the blanket after the 11 am worship service in the Sanctuary or Worship & Arts Center. Blankets not picked up will be placed in a cupboard labeled "Prayer Blankets To Be Picked Up" behind the Welcome Desk. 

This ministry depends solely on donations of time, money and fleece in order to provide this meaningful symbol of our faith in God's power to comfort those in need.

Request Prayer Blanket


Is recipient an FUMCR member, regular attendee, or family member?

Privacy Requests

To which prayer list would you like this person to be added? (Please do not select FUMCR Prayer List without permission from the one for whom you are requesting prayer.)
Worship Screens
Blanket Location

Colors & Patterns

Other Preferences (if available):


Is requester a member of FUMCR?
Relationship to Recipient:

As the requester, you will be responsible for picking up the blanket and delivering it to the recipient.

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