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Volunteer at FUMCR

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

Photography at FUMCR

Revealing God's hand in the people and ministries of FUMCR through the eyes of its disciples

The FOCUS Photography Ministry serves at church events as the "eyes of FUMCR," but we accept photography from all! Submitted photos may be used on the walls of our buildings, in the First Connections magazine, ministry brochures, weekly emails, at, within FUMCR's SmugMug photo sharing site, on screens during worship, and more.

Want to take photos of events?  Sign up online

Have pictures you want to share?  Upload your pictures

Join the FOCUS Photography Ministry

The FOCUS Ministry is primarily tasked with covering church events as a photojournalist would, telling the story of what happened in ministry - both expected and unexpected! Even with little photojournalism experience, we have discovered our photographers love capturing moments from the wide angle (this is what the event looked like) to the medium (here are the people participating in the event) to the close-up (these are the special moments that happened while here).

Our group has a mix of experience in it, so there’s a little something for everyone! We say this a lot… “There’s only one way to get better… go take pictures!” And FOCUS offers great opportunities to help you find things to take pictures of!

We have an in-person meeting once every quarter. In our meetings, we take a look at and celebrate the photos that were taken since our previous meeting. We talk about our experiences at photo assignments and at events - the things we did that worked and the things we did that presented challenges. We review the upcoming photo assignments for the next quarter, and people have the opportunity ask questions and volunteer. It’s totally acceptable for newer folks to pair up with a veteran to help “learn the ropes,” so please make sure you bring your calendar.

We also have a program during our meeting that will focus on photography skills, new methods or approaches, or learn more about post-processing photos on the computer after the photo shoot is done. Lot’s a variety here - sometimes great for the beginner, sometimes great for the veterans - but the conversation is great for everyone. We're ALL always learning something new!

Interested in becoming a FOCUS Assignment Photographer or coming to a meeting? Contact Kevin Burns and get your required credentials and materials. All skill levels and equipment types are accepted!  

Contact: Kevin Burns - 972.996.0135 -

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