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Missions & Outreach

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

School Partnerships ... Children First

About Children First

FUMCR works with Mark Twain and Greenwood Hills elementary schools in RISD to support their students, families and staff through a variety of initiatives.

  •  Teacher appreciation treats, breakfasts and lunches
  •  Book Fair
  •  Accelerated Reader Program & prize store
  •  Teacher support behind the scenes - cutting, copying, laminating, filing, etc.
  •  Science Fair judging
  •  Multicultural Night
  •  Soccer league & "Best Game Ever"

Learn about current volunteer needs and sign up HERE. Give financially to Children First initiatives HERE.

Want to join the Children First mailing list or learn about the Children First leadership team? Contact , 214.850.1200.

Missions & Community Engagement Opportunities
Creation Care Fair

Sun, Sept 22, 9:30am–12:30pm, Concourse

Garden Ministry Fall Plant Sale

Garden Ministry Fall Plant Sale Order: Sept 27 - Oct 6 Pick Up: Oct 12, 9-11am, Greenhouse

Sawdust Brothers Annual Show & Sale

Sun, Oct 6, 9:30am-12:30pm, Coleman Family Hall

Missions & Community Engagement This Week

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