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  • Instagram. Snapchat. Yik Yak. Vineā€¦ Oh my!  •  Sun, March 22  •   Publish: 2/2/2015  •   BBTA8VH7FG

    When & Where: Sun  •  March 22  •  6:30 - 8:30pm  •  Sanctuary
    Led by: Sarah Brooks
    Childcare: No

    Instagram. Snapchat. Yik Yak. Vine… Oh my! It's enough to make any parent's head spin! Join us as we navigate the ever changing world of social media.


    Sarah Brooks is a mom of two young boys by day and a marketer, writer, and social media advocate by night and at nap time. As part of the Millennial generation, she is passionate about mentoring teens and bridging the gap between parents and kids on all things technology and social media. 

    All are welcome! Participants are encouraged to "share" the invitation with family, friends and neighbors to join in the discussion!

    Please take just a minute to register, so we can save you a seat!


    Register Feb 2 - Mar 22

  • The Book of Discipline & Social Principles  •  Sun, Mar 22 - May 3  •   Publish: 12/30/2014  •   W8SRCZXLXZ

    When & Where: Sun  •  Mar 22 - May 3  •  12:30 - 2 pm  •  Room 2B, Bartula Family Life Center
    Led by: Rev. Steve Rankin, SMU Chaplain
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by calling 972.996.0120 at least one week before the group meeting.

    Social Principles… General Conference… the Book of Discipline...

    Join us for an insightful discussion about how these moving parts come together to provide guidance in the United Methodist Church. Gain a better understanding of how the Social Principles are a prayerful & thoughtful effort to speak into the human issues in the contemporary world. Questions and conversation are welcome!

    A light lunch will be provided, and donations are appreciated. Participants are also welcome to "brown bag" and bring their lunch.


    Register Jan 1 - Mar 22

  • Monday Night Men's Bible Study  •  Mon, Mar 1 - May 11, Weekly  •   Publish: 2/23/2015  •   JLGWBYMKLG

    When & Where: Mon  •  Mar 1 - May 11, Weekly  •  7:30 - 8:30 pm  •  100 S Central Expy, Richardson, TX 75080
    Led by: Taylor Newsom, Jerod Hangartner, and Emory Camp
    Childcare: No

    Where:  Taco Joint 

    When: Mondays at 7:30 - 8:30 

    Topic: Book of James 

    • Faith Tested by Temptation - Chapter 1
    • Faith Vs Works - Chapter 2
    • Faith Proven by Behavior - Chapters 3-4
    • The Challenges of Faith in Society - Chapter 5



    Registration not Required 

  • The Book of Micah  •  Sun, Mar 8 - Mar 29  •   Publish: 12/31/2014  •   P9Y8Y36R1G

    When & Where: Sun  •  Mar 8 - Mar 29  •  11 am - 12 noon  •  Mays Hall, Education Building
    Led by: Rev. Fred Trevino
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: ages 2-5 at 8:45, ages 2-18 at 9:45, ages 2-6 at 11.

    This Old Testament book has proven a strong impact on public life. The book itself seems rather small when compared with other prophetic writings, but we see the emerging biblical themes dominate; Justice, Peace and Messiah. Join us as we unpack this small, but powerful, book. 

     Jan 1 - Mar 8

  • Putting Your House in Order - Cancelled  •  Thur, March 5, 2015  •   Publish: 12/29/2014  •   OAJX4KW88Z

    When & Where: Thur  •  March 5, 2015  •  9 - 11:00 am  •  Room 2A, Bartula Family Life Center
    Led by: John Thornburg, Texas Methodist Foundation
    Childcare: No

    We invite those who have retired or are nearing retirement to join us as we discuss practical tools to offer the gift of preparedness to your families.

    Death is a natural end to life, and yet most of us are simply not prepared for it. The end of your life may not be something you want to dwell on, but as we recognize the presence of loved ones in our life, we should consider preparing & sharing information on our personal choices. 

    This presentation will dive into legal & financial decisions, legacy giving, and possibilities about funeral planning. 

    This seminar is designed to simply open the door for conversation about decisions, which when discussed, can provide a tremendous peace of mind. 


  • Men's Bible 101  •  Sun, Mar 1 - 29  •   Publish: 2/24/2015  •   9AFBUSWPPT

    When & Where: Sun  •  Mar 1 - 29  •  11 am - 12 noon  •  Room 214
    Led by: Dean Brown
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: ages 2-5 at 8:45, ages 2-18 at 9:45, ages 2-6 at 11.

    A 5-week study of Biblical foundations and stories. Perfect for Bible newcomers and those who would like a short refresher course.

    Register Feb 24 - Mar 30

  • Love to Stay  •  Wed, Feb 25 - April 1  •   Publish: 12/29/2014  •   5KUMKXHRQM

    When & Where: Wed  •  Feb 25 - April 1  •  6:30 - 8 pm  •  Harvey Assembly Room 217, Education Building
    Led by: Rev. Rich Rindfuss
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by calling 972.996.0120 at least one week before the group meeting.

    Falling in love is easy, but staying in love takes courage, hard work and lots of grace. In this study by Adam Hamilton, we will explore the ups, downs and how-to's of marriage and how, with God's help, we can make love last. 

    Couples are invited to register separately, as they will be provided individual books. 

    Register Jan 1 - Feb 25

  • Simple but NOT Easy : Conversations You'd Like to Have with Your Teen  •  Sun, Feb 8  •   Publish: 12/31/2014  •   M6244C4TI2

    When & Where: Sun  •  Feb 8  •  6:30 - 8:30pm  •  Bartula Family Life Center Gym
    Led by: Kathleen Fischer
    Childcare: No

    Join us for the first Parent Connections gathering of 2015!

    In an increasingly complex and confusing world, more than ever before, family conversation is an important key to helping kids make sense of the cultural pressures surrounding them. These conversations are not always easy, and many parents may find themselves asking… "where do I even start?"

    Kathleen will guide us as we consider roadblocks to communication, the natural opportunities for connection, and the skills, which might need a little rehearsing. 

    ALL are welcome! Participants are encouraged to extend the invitation to family, friends and neighbors to join the discussion.

    Please take just a minute to register, so we can save you a seat!

    Register Jan 1 - Feb 8

  • Lindh/Thomas  •  Wed, Jan 21 - Apr 1  •   Publish: 1/4/2015  •   9YKZ0OL0FU

    When & Where: Wed  •  Jan 21 - Apr 1  •  6:30 - 8:00 pm  •  230
    Led by: Eric and Heidi Lindh & Jeff and Brandi Thomas
    Childcare: Yes. Call 972.996.0120 by noon two business days prior to group meeting

    About Our Group

    This group is comprised of mostly married couples in their 30’s with kids (pre-K-early elementary).  We meet at the church due to the fact that so many of our group members need childcare.  Although we are mainly couples with kids, we welcome anyone interested in joining our group!  We also love digging into the scripture and sharing life together.  Last semester we thoroughly enjoyed doing a service project together and also having a social.

    Register Jan 4 - Feb 1

  • College-aged Group  •  Sun, Jan 18 - Mar 29  •   Publish: 1/4/2015  •   SLP5OAKJJ1

    When & Where: Sun  •  Jan 18 - Mar 29  •  12:15 - 1:45 pm  •  Various local restaurant locations. Leaders will be in contact prior to first meeting.
    Led by: College-aged Group
    Childcare: No

    About Our Group

    This group is for young adults in college or between age 18 and 23. The group meets once a week on Sunday after morning service at a local restaurant to build relationships and discuss the week's sermon and scripture or study a curriculum. The group also has a social event and participates in a community service project.  

    Register Jan 4 - Feb 1

  • Practicing Our Faith  •  Wed, Jan 7 - Apr 29  •   Publish: 12/29/2014  •   C2K4C42ANR

    When & Where: Wed  •  Jan 7 - Apr 29  •  12:30 - 2 pm  •  Room 2C. Bartula Family Life Center
    Led by: Rev. Mary Howard and Rev. Marilyn Dickson
    Childcare: No

    Join us for this exciting women's study & discussion group focusing on twelve central, but different, ways we can practice our faith in ordinary and daily life. Rooted in Christian faith and tradition, we will examine these practices to deepen our understanding on our journey of Christian discipleship.

    Books will be available to all participants on the first day of class. 

    Register Jan 1 - Jan 14

  • Hope for the Holidays  •  Tue, Dec. 2 & Dec. 9  •   Publish: 7/21/2014  •   D1H50NH073

    When & Where: Tue  •  Dec. 2 & Dec. 9  •  7 - 8:30pm  •  Room 213, Education Building
    Led by: Rev. Dr. Justin Tull
    Childcare: Yes. Call 972.996.0120 by noon two business days prior to group meeting

    Joy, excitement, anxiety frustration, happiness, stress... all of these and more may describe our feelings during the holiday season. Whether it is the recent loss of a loved one, changes in life or simply feeling "blah," we understand this season can be a hurdle for some. Come together with others in a supportive, challenging environment as we seek hope for the holidays.

    Fee: $10.00

    Register Aug 1, 2014 - Dec. 2, 2014

  • How are the Children? Translating Faith for a New Generation  •  Sun, Oct 19, 2014  •   Publish: 8/27/2014  •   GJIKT03AQX

    When & Where: Sun  •  Oct 19, 2014  •  5:00 - 6:30 pm  •  Sanctuary
    Led by: Kenda Creasy Dean
    Childcare: Yes. Call 972.996.0120 by noon two business days prior to group meeting

    Talking about faith with children can be tough, and as a result, most of us just don't. Part of it is that God exceeds human language. Another part is that Christian "God-talk" has often hurt people as much as it has helped them. And part of it - maybe most of it - is that we simply don't have the vaguest idea of how to communicate God's grace with children in a way that feels honest to where we as adults find ourselves spiritually.

    Kenda Creasy Dean's discussion will explore concrete steps that families and congregations can take to give young people a faith vocabulary as we share a faith across generations.

    Event is open to all - guests & members of FUMCR, members of other churches and the community. Connect to this event and invite others on Facebook.

    Books will be available for purchase, and there will be a book signing immediately following the presentation.

    For questions, please contact Kristen Ceaser at 972-996-0154 or

    Childcare is available for children 4 years old and younger.

    Registration not Required 

  • Timeless Struggles & Unlikely Replies: Looking at the Book of Hebrews  •  Thur, Oct. 16 - Nov. 13, Weekly  •   Publish: 7/21/2014  •   IUEVU0HOW2

    When & Where: Thur  •  Oct. 16 - Nov. 13, Weekly  •  7 - 8:30pm  •  Room 213, Education Building
    Led by: Pastor Julie Klossner
    Childcare: Yes. Call 972.996.0120 by noon two business days prior to group meeting

    Since the time of the early church, Christians have struggled with timeless matters of doubt, fear, weariness, conflict and falling away from faith. In this study, we will look at the different concerns that arise in the book of Hebrews and look into the thought-provoking answers given by the author. Along the way, through the reading of scriptures, we will be guided to new understandings on how we can draw closer to God in our own faith journey. 

    Register Aug 1, 2014 - Oct 16, 2014

  • Heads, Hearts & Hormones  •  Sun, Sept. 28, 2014  •   Publish: 8/15/2014  •   XRXFAC38PM

    When & Where: Sun  •  Sept. 28, 2014  •  6:30 - 8:30pm  •  Bartula Family Life Center
    Led by: Kathleen Fischer
    Childcare: No

    The glorious junior high & high school years are here! Friday night football game, homework, part-time job, and for some…dating! Join us for a straight-forward discussion about the social aspects surrounding teenage dating. We will also discuss tools to consider when guiding your teen through the dating maze. Questions & conversation are encouraged!

    For questions, please contact Kristen Ceaser at 972-996-0154 or .

    Please register below, so we can save you a seat!

    Register Aug. 15, 2014 - Sept. 28, 2014

  • Common Roots, Different Fruits  •  Sun, Sept. 28 - Oct. 19, Weekly  •   Publish: 7/20/2014  •   ITWYT2EUME

    When & Where: Sun  •  Sept. 28 - Oct. 19, Weekly  •  11:00am - Noon  •  Room 217A, Education Building
    Led by: Earnest Deadwyler
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: ages 2-5 at 8:45, ages 2-18 at 9:45, ages 2-6 at 11.

    PLEASE NOTE THIS CLASS WILL BE MEETING ON SUNDAYS RATHER THAN THURSDAYS! The correct meeting days, times and place are listed above. 

    Join us as we take a deeper look at the background & history of the roots of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Participants are invited into a discussion about the divergent paths taken which may have lead to contemporary challenges and conflicts. 

    Register Aug. 1, 2014 - Sept. 11, 2014

  • Meeting God at the Intersection  •  Sun, Sept. 21 - Oct. 5, Weekly  •   Publish: 7/21/2014  •   QNKILVVVNJ

    When & Where: Sun  •  Sept. 21 - Oct. 5, Weekly  •  11:00 - 12:00pm  •  Room 203, Education Building
    Led by: Ed Frantz
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: ages 2-5 at 8:45, ages 2-18 at 9:45, ages 2-6 at 11.

    Let's meet God at the intersection of science, philosophy and faith! This "process theology" offers solutions to many of the age-old problems of classical supernatural theism, while also accommodating a number of the most revolutionary discoveries of contemporary science. Come get acquainted with this new paradigm of reality and Christian theology.

     Aug 1, 2014 - Sept 21, 2014

  • Love & Logic  •  Sun, Sept. 14 - Oct. 5, Weekly  •   Publish: 7/21/2014  •   5ZQS4A41TC

    When & Where: Sun  •  Sept. 14 - Oct. 5, Weekly  •  5 - 6:30pm  •  Room 205, Education Building
    Led by: Allyson George, Children's Ministry Director
    Childcare: Yes. Call 972.996.0120 by noon two business days prior to group meeting

    Parents are often astonished to find their sweet, innocent little baby has suddenly turned into a noisy, demanding - and sometimes out of control - pre-schooler! Gather with us as we share some secrets to taking the frustration & confusion out of parenting a young one. the class is designed for parents of children 6 years old or younger.

    Register Aug. 1, 2014 - Sept. 14, 2014

  • Stephen Ministry 101  •  Sun, Sept. 14  •   Publish: 7/21/2014  •   RCU9E8G95X

    When & Where: Sun  •  Sept. 14  •  11:00 - 12:00pm  •  Room 203, Education Building
    Led by: Rev. Marilyn Dickson and Stephen Ministry Leadership Team
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: ages 2-5 at 8:45, ages 2-18 at 9:45, ages 2-6 at 11.

    This interesting and informative session about Stephen Ministry at FUMCR will provide a brief overview of this vital ministry, guide those who are feeling a tug to serve, and give an overview of the process to become a Stephen Minister.

    We hope you will join us to:

      • Hear testimonials by Stephen Ministers and Care Receivers
      • Learn what it means to be a Stephen Minister
      • Understand who are Care Receivers
      • See training materials and schedule
      • Ask questions and receive answers from Stephen Leaders

    Register Aug 1, 2014 - Sept 14, 2014

  • Lean In  •  Tue, Sept. 9 - Oct. 7, Weekly  •   Publish: 7/20/2014  •   AIPA6E647G

    When & Where: Tue  •  Sept. 9 - Oct. 7, Weekly  •  7 - 9:00pm  •  Room 227, Education Building
    Led by: Katherine Stimson, ACB, CL and Carol Delatte, CC, ALB
    Childcare: Yes. Call 972.996.0120 by noon two business days prior to group meeting

    This empowering course was developed by Toastmasters International and inspired by Sheryl Sandberg, the author of Lean In and COO of Facebook. Participants are encouraged to support one another in becoming better communicators and taking steps to effectively lead the life they envision. Join us as we lift up and empower one another to Lean In!

    Cost: $20.00

    Please register at


     Aug. 1, 2014 - Sept. 9, 2014

  • Paul's Journey & Ours: The Life of an Apostle  •  Sun, Sept. 7 - Oct. 12, Weekly  •   Publish: 7/20/2014  •   APFO5XT2WQ

    When & Where: Sun  •  Sept. 7 - Oct. 12, Weekly  •  4 - 5:00pm  •  Ogden Fellowship Hall
    Led by: Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason and Rev. Dr. Becky Dwight Bruff
    Childcare: Yes. Call 972.996.0120 by noon two business days prior to group meeting

    Join us as we explore the world of Saul of Tarsus, known to many as the apostle Paul, and discover his impact 2000 years ago and today. How did God use Paul in his world, and what can we learn about our own faith journey?

    Register Aug. 1, 2014 - Sept. 7, 2014

  • Exploring Our Prayer Life  •  Wed, Sept. 3 - Dec. 3, Weekly  •   Publish: 7/20/2014  •   QXR83Y46U7

    When & Where: Wed  •  Sept. 3 - Dec. 3, Weekly  •  12:30 - 2pm  •  Room 2C, Bartula Family Life Center
    Led by: Rev. Marilyn Dickson and Rev. Mary Howard
    Childcare: No

    Join us as we explore new and different ways to connect withGod through prayer. We will highlight everything from classical approaches using your mind & imagination, as well as, connecting with your gift of creativity. 

    Cost: $15.00

    Register Aug. 1, 2014 - Sept. 3, 2014

  • Covenant Bible Study Overview  •  Thur, Aug. 21, 2014  •   Publish: 8/1/2014  •   AQ9YUSCVYX

    When & Where: Thur  •  Aug. 21, 2014  •  9:00 am - 2:00pm  •  Ogden Fellowship Hall
    Led by: Abingdon Press Team
    Childcare: No

    Are you interested in leading a small group study with a strong biblical focus?

    Covenant is an in-depth, video-based group Bible study that centers around our relationships with God, with each other, and with the world. We want to invite you to come experience an overview of this study, ask questions and be provided more information should you choose to lead a group in the future. For more information about the covenant study, please visit

    Lunch will be provided.

    Please register for this FREE event by contacting Evelyn Warren at 704-910-2800 or


    Register Aug. 1, 2014 - Aug. 21, 2014

  • Understanding Baptism  •  Sun, 1-hour class, offered monthly  •   Publish: 8/1/2013  •   4VR1SG2GE1

    When & Where: Sun  •  1-hour class, offered monthly  •  11 am - 12 noon  •  Room 210
    Led by: Rev. David Scroggin
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: ages 2-5 at 8:45, ages 2-18 at 9:45, ages 2-6 at 11.

    The journey of faith that begins with baptism is supported by the nurturing fellowship of a caring, learning, worshiping, serving congregation. Baptism is a necessary step for church membership as it is the “entrance into the body of Christ” which is the church.

    Learn more about the meaning of baptism and how we as United Methodists uphold and support newly baptized Christians of all ages.

    Please register online by selecting the date on which you plan to attend:

         Dec 8  Jan 19  Feb 16  Mar 16  Apr 27  May 18  Jun 22

    Register using links above

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