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Adult Ministry

No matter where you are on your journey of faith, you'll find a place to connect, grow, and serve. We look forward to sharing the path.
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Sunday School Groups

Looking for an on-going group to learn and grow with?

Visit a few groups and find your place with a supportive fellowship!

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Learning Communities

Curious about a topic and want to dig deeper with others?

Explore the list of classes starting throughout the year and sign up!

Peruse Classes

Small Groups

Interested in building relationships through sharing, trust, and understanding?

Consider joining a new or existing small group each spring and fall!

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Join a circle and meet monthly for fellowship, mission work, and spritual growth opportunities.

Women's Minstry

We look fward to seeing you at weekly Bible studies, monthly SaturDADs, and special events.

Men's Ministry

Young Adults

No matter how long or short you've been at FUMCR or in the local area, you belong here. This is a place to know others, to know God, and to be known.

Young Adults

Senior Adults

Share the benefit of the depth of your life experiences with each oather, the church, and community.

Senior Adults

Join Us For...

Men's Grief Group Coffee

Men's Grief Group Coffee

Wed, 1st Wednesdays, 7-8:30am, Ogden Fellowship Hall

If you’ve experienced a loss and are looking for support in a space specifically for men, you’re invited to join Rev. Scott Luginbill for coffee and conversation.

An Evening with Rev. Adam Hamilton

An Evening with Rev. Adam Hamilton

Mon, Feb 24, 7-8:30pm, Sanctuary

Join us for an inspiring evening with Rev. Adam Hamilton, Founding Pastor of Church of the Resurrection and renowned United Methodist author and speaker, as he shares insights on Wrestling with Doubt: Finding Faith.

Ash Wednesday Services - Mar 5

Ash Wednesday Services - Mar 5

Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a time to repent and prepare for the coming of Easter. Services feature music, a short meditation, Holy Communion, and the Imposition of Ashes.

6:30am, 12pm, 6:30pm w/ livestream, 4:30pm offsite, YouTube

Small Groups: Wrestling with Doubt

Small Groups: Wrestling with Doubt

Various times and locations

New Small Groups are forming for Lent! These peer-facilitated groups will explore our church-wide study and worship series, Wrestling with Doubt, using Adam Hamilton’s book.

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