Volunteer at FUMCR

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

Volunteer with Tech Ministry

Contact Drew Presley, drew@fumcr.com / 972.996.0124

Join this special team of volunteers to help with the production of all technical aspects of worship services and special events. Each job requires training, but if you have the skill set or are interested in learning how to be an audio technician, camera operator, or projection coordinator, we would love for you to be a part of our team!

Sunday morning jobs include Sound Board Operator, Projection Operator, and Camera Operator. 

Volunteer with Worship Preparation

Altar Guild

Contact Frankie Houchin - 972.644.8444, fyhouchin@sbcglobal.net

Individuals work with a team. Each team is responsible for three non-consecutive months during the year.

Volunteers prepare the chancel area for Sunday morning worship each week. Set the altar in the chancel, see that the baptismal bowl is filled, prepare elements for worship experiences requiring communion. Assist with the preparation of the complex for the Advent season. Another possible area of service is in creating new paraments for use during the Christian year. 

Communion Servers

Contact Pam Shamblin - 817.313.6757, pamfsham@gmail.com

Throughout the year the congregation is encouraged to assist our pastors in serving communion. This is a meaningful worship experience for all involved. As a communion server you are serving Christ. This is a small commitment of time but an enormous way to grow in you faith.


Contact Bob Roos - 972.404.9010, ruuskey@sbcglobal.net

Men and women are encouraged to be a part of this ministry that serves in worship experiences throughout the year. Whether you prefer to serve weekly or every other month, there is a place for you. As an usher you are Welcoming our congregants to Christ.

Ushers for Funeral or Memorial Services

Contact Jim Henderson - 972.234.4587

Pew Stockers

Contact Joann Zastoupil - jzastoupil@att.net

This group works, generally on Monday mornings, to keep all the information brochures, pencils, hymnals, and Bibles that are on the backs of the pews complete, neat and current.

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