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Then Jesus said ... “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” - John 8:31-32

Group Life: Retreat: Using the Enneagram for Spiritual Transformation

Sun, Fri, Sat •  Feb 7-9  •  7pm Fri - 11:30am Sun  •  Prothro Center on Lake Texoma

About Our Group for Men & Women

Are you ready to deepen your understanding of who you are and whose you are? Join us for a weekend retreat and take a deep dive into your Enneagram number. This interactive weekend will push and guide you to observe the ways your ego/personality limits you. You will be given tools to help counteract the strong, mostly unconscious impulses that drive your thoughts, feelings, and actions. The following topics will be covered: motivations, personality patterns and how to address them, childhood patterns, defense mechanisms, instincts and subtypes, using your arrows for growth, and passion/virtue and mental fixation/Holy Idea.

Participants must know their Enneagram number.
Cost: $225 each for dual occupancy, $275 each for single occupancy (limited availability)
Includes: lodging, linens, four meals (Sat breakfast, lunch, dinner; Sun breakfast), and snacks


Stacey Ruff, LPC




Events for Adults
Coat and Toy Drive

Through Dec 9

Estate Planning Goals: Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Oct 27 at noon OR Oct 294 at 5:30

Fall FUNfest 2024

Sun, Oct 27, 4-6pm, FUMCR West Parking Lot

Young Adult Cookout & Games

Tues, Oct 29, 6-8pm, Meet on West Side of Building Near Gym

Thirties40s Group Meet-Up

Sat, Nov 2, 12-2pm, Haggard Park (Plano)

Men's Grief Group Breakfast

Wed, Nov 6, 7:30-9am, Ogden Fellowship Hall

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