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Music Ministry

O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. - Psalm 96:1

Klais Organ Stop List

(Manual II)

Principal 16’

Principal 8’


Gedackt 8’

Gamba 8’

Octave 4’

Rohrflote 4’

Quinte 2 2/3’

Superoctave 2’

Mixtur IV

Cimbel III

Cornet V

Trompete 16’

Trompete 8’

Tuba 8’

Swell to Great 16’

Swell to Great 8’

Swell to Great 4’

Choir to Great 8’

Solo to Great 8’

Choir (Manual I, 
under expression)

Principal 8’

Bordun 8’

Dulciana 8’

Unda Maris 8’

Principal 4’

Flute 4’

Sesquialter II

Doublette 2’

Larigot 1 1/3’

Scharff IV

Dulzian 16’

Corno di Basetto 8’

Tuba 8’ (Great)


Swell to Choir

Solo to Choir



Swell (Manual III, 
under expression)

Bourdon 16’

Geigen Principal 8’

Flute Harmonique 8’

Rohrflote 8’

Aeoline 8’

Vox Coelestis 8’

Geigen Principal 4’

Oak Principal 4’

Traversflote 4’

Nazard 2 2/3’

Octavin 2’

Tierce 1 3/5’

Plein Jeu IV

Basson 16’

Trompette 8’

Basson-Hautbois 8’

Clairon 4’


Swell to Swell 16’

Swell to Swell 4’

Solo to Swell 8’

Crescendo Pedal

Tracker Console Prepared

(Manual IV)

Principal 8’

Bordun 8’

Octave 4’

Fanfare Trumpet 8’

Tuba 8’ (Great)


Vox Balaena 64’

Untersatz 32’

Principal 16’

Subbass 16’

Bourdon 16’ (Swell)

Principal 8’

Bourdon 8’

Octave 4’

Flute 4’

Aliquot III

Mixtur IV

Bombarde 32’

Posaune 16’

Basson 16’ (Swell)

Trompete 8’

Posaune 8’

Trompete 4’

Great to Pedal 8’

Swell to Pedal 8’

Swell to Pedal 4’

Choir to Pedal 8’

Solo to Pedal 8’


Upcoming Music Events
Modern Worship Choir

Rehearsals resume Sun, Sept 8, 3pm

Children's Choir Spring Musical - Light it Up!

Sun, Apr 27, 3-4pm, Worship & Arts Center

End-of-Year Celebration

Sun, May 4, 5-7pm, Westlake Skate Center

All-Church Musical: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Auditions: July 26 and 28 Shows: Sept 25-27

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