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And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

Face Masks

Methodist Richardson Medical Center is accepting donations of face masks and headbands.

Drop offs may be made from 5 am - 7 pm at the Medical Center's Main Entrance desk, 2831 E. President George Bush Highway, Richardson, TX  75082.

The preferred face mask style has two layers, pleats, wire across the nose, ties that go around the back of the head, and includes a pocket to add an interchangeable layer of added protection. Headbands should have a large button (1" min. dia.) securely positioned above the ear on each side to wrap elastic ear loops around. (See photo below.)

Sew masks for yourself or others.

fitted  pleated


Download the pattern (includes men's, women's, teen's, and children's sizes) and instructions

Summary of Instructions

Two pieces are connected with a seam down the nose. This is repeated with two more pieces to have an inner side and outer side. The two sides are sewn together inside out, leaving an opening, then turned right side out. Ribbons are attached to each side for the ties. This pattern could be modified to accept a filter by leaving one side open, turning the inner layer under, and attaching a tie to the exended outer layer. 

Through a partnership with KSM Design Source and Intergra Seating, we received pre-cut fabric and ribbon (pictured) for 900 masks that are being sewn and shared with local health care facilities, first responders, and high-risk individuals. 


The ideal fabric is a tightly woven (not knit), non-stretchy material. The best fabrics are: cotton, heavyweight cotton t-shirts, flannel, antimicrobial pillowcases or mattress covers, and 400+ thread-count sheets. The less light the fabric lets through, the more effective it will be. Whether the fabric is new or used, please wash it in hot water and dry it at the hottest setting allowable for the fabric before using it for a mask. 


Download instructions, which include cutting/pinning guide, and watch this video (also embedded on this page).

Materials needed for one mask:
  •  tightly woven fabric, 14 1/2" x 8"
  •  4 ties, 15" each, bias tape or cut from t-shirt 
  •  wire for nose clamp
  •  scissors, ruler, pins/clips, sewing machine, iron

Helpful hints:
  •  The ties in this mask are strips from a t-shirt. Bias tape or binding would be a suitable substitute. Satin and grosgrain ribbon could be too slippery and come untied.
  •  The video shows the opening in the middle of the back side. After the video was made, it was suggested that the opening be closer to the top for the comfort of the wearer. The written instructions indicate the opening should be 1/2" down from the top edge.
  •  Wire for the nose clamp can be accomplished with two new twist ties folded together lengthwise.


The Medical Center is accepting headbands with a large button (1" min. dia.) positioned above the ear on each side to wrap elastic ear loops around. See examples in photo.

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Missions & Community Engagement Opportunities
Garden Ministry Tomato, Herb, and Pepper Sale

Sat, Mar 15, 9am-12pm and Sun, Mar 16, 9am-12pm

Ramadan Dinner with the Dialogue Institute Dallas

Sun, Mar 23, 7-9pm, Coleman Family Hall

Creation Care Lunch

Sun, Mar 30, 11:45am-1pm, Coleman Family Hall

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10 Saturdays, Mar 1 - May 10

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