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Volunteer at FUMCR

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

Current Volunteer Needs

This is NOT an exhaustive list of the myriad volunteer opportunities through FUMCR. This is a list of actual volunteers needed NOW or VERY SOON. If you can help or have questions, click I'm interested! to send an email to the coordinator. You should be contacted within two business days.

For other volunteering suggestions, visit ONGOING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES or fill out our VOLUNTEER INTEREST FORM.

Does your group need volunteers? Submit the form at WWW.FUMCR.COM/ADDNEED.

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Immediate Volunteer Needs

This is NOT an exhaustive list of the myriad volunteer opportunities through FUMCR. This is a list of actual volunteers needed NOW or VERY SOON. If you can help or have questions, click I'm interested! to send an email to the coordinator. You should be contacted within two business days.

Does your group need volunteers? Submit the form at

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