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Music Ministry

O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. - Psalm 96:1


FUMCR has a long history of choirs dedicated to learning and growing together, enriching worship experiences, and making beautiful music. All are open to new singers, ringers, and players!

Adult Chancel Choir

The Journey Youth Choir

Children's Choirs

Handbell Choirs

Ukulele Choir

Upcoming Music Events
Ukulele Choir Kick-Off

Wed, Sept 4, 6-7pm, Children's Choir Room 2

Children's Choirs Kickoff

Sun, Sept 8, 3-4pm

Children's Handbell Choir

Resume Sun, Sept 15

Modern Worship Choir

Rehearsals resume Sun, Sept 8, 3pm

Music Ministry This Week

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