Wrestling with Doubt: Finding Faith
Certainty is virtually impossible, and the Bible is full of people who doubt. Doubt is a path to deeper faith, yet if we hang onto doubt, it will paralyze us. So we look to deepen our faith by examining difficult questions, and we implore the prayer from Mark 9:22-24 - “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.”
We invite you to scroll through the special opportunities below and choose some that will help you experience the season more fully.

Ash Wednesday Services - Mar 5
Ash Wednesday services lead us into the season of Lent, a time to repent and to prepare for the coming of Easter. Each service will feature music, a short meditation, Holy Communion, and the Imposition of ashes.
6:30am • Chapel
12pm • Worship & Arts Center
4:30pm • Discovery Point, 2120 E. Prairie Creek Dr.
Join us for our Ash Wednesday Family Service! Experience the music and prayers of Ash Wednesday together in an outdoor worship space to better understand why the day is important as we begin the season of Lent.
If it is raining, we will hold this service in Coleman Family Hall at FUMCR.
6:30pm • Sanctuary & Livestream
Child care will be available at the 6:30pm service.

Small Groups: Wrestling with Doubt
Various times and locations
New Small Groups are forming for Lent! These peer-facilitated groups will explore our church-wide study and worship series, Wrestling with Doubt, using Adam Hamilton’s book.

Lenten Offering
During the Lent and Easter season, we have the opportunity to bless children attending public schools in our community with a special offering:
Richardson ISD works to provide students and families the opportunity to get the supplies and services they need to start the school year well.
Children First supports our partner elementary schools, Mark Twain and Greenwood Hills. fumcr.com/childrenfirst

Service of Hope
Sun, Apr 6, 5-6 pm, Worship & Arts Center + online
You're invited to a special worship service dedicated to finding hope amidst the struggles of everyday life.
We recognize that struggles are fluid, and not contained to a season or moment; they can be lifelong and become part of our daily existence. Whatever you might be facing, you don’t have to do it alone. Please join us to draw strength from our faith in Jesus and in community with each other to navigate a healing path forward.
Questions? Email Karen Varner at kvarner@fumcr.com.

Palm Sunday Worship
Apr 13
Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem as crowds waved palm branches to welcome him for Passover. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, the remembrance of Jesus' last days.
Worship services will include palm parades, special music, and messages of hope for Holy Week.
Traditional - 8:45, 9:45, 11am*, Sanctuary
Modern - 11am, Worship & Arts Center
Online - 9:45 & YouTube
*Livestream - 11am

Easter Story Walk
Apr 13-18, Playground Plaza
Bring your family during Holy Week to prepare for Easter morning! Walk through the story, The Mystery of Easter, to help your children understand the events around Jesus’s resurrection. You will experience the story of Easter and gather items to help remember and retell this important day of our faith.

Maundy Thursday Worship
Apr 17, 7pm, Sanctuary + Livestream
Maundy Thursday (also called Holy Thursday) is the first of the three days of solemn remembrance of the events leading up to and immediately following the crucifixion. Join us for a special experience of Communion, music, and worship.
A special family service will be held in the Worship & Arts Center at 4:30pm.
What does Maundy mean?
Maundy is derived from the Latin word "mandatum," or commandment, and refers to Jesus’ mandate to his disciples in John 13:34 to "Love one another as I have loved you."

Good Friday Worship
Apr 18, 7pm, Sanctuary + Livestream
We invite you to experience a Service of Tenebrae (darkness) to remember the final moments of Jesus’ life. The service will be an intertwining of Scripture readings and Schubert’s Mass in G by our Chancel Choir, leading us through the journey to the cross.
What's good about Good Friday?
“Good” Friday is likely an alteration of the Germanic word, "Goddes," meaning "God's" or "Holy." Only in English and Dutch is it called Good Friday. It is called Holy Friday in nearly all other languages in the world.

Easter Sunday Worship
Celebrate Easter in worship with us on April 20!
Traditional Worship - 8:30, 9:45, and 11am* in the Sanctuary, Dr. Clayton Oliphint, preaching
Modern Worship - 9:45 and 11am in the Worship & Arts Center, Rev. Allison Jean, preaching
*Livestream available at fumcr.com/live
No Sunday school for children, youth, or adults
Extra parking on Sunday is available on the post office property immediate north of the church property. Enter from the southbound service road south of Arapaho.
Online Worship - 9:45am at fumcr.com/online and at youtube.com/fumcr