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Fall FUNFest 2020

Sun, Oct 25, 4:30-6 pm, First Center Parking Lot

Register your family, and we'll assign you a party spot. The activities will come to you - socially distanced carnival games, a pop-up cake walk, prizes, a costume parade, and so much more! Have you ever wanted to cover your pastor in silly string? Now's your chance!

You'll park your car in FUMCR's west parking lot, walk across Custer to our Fall FUNFest, and set up in your family's marked, assigned spot.
Every spot will include supplies for the event and will be designated just for your family unit.
Bring a pumpkin, and we'll give you items for the pumpkin decorating contest.
Bring your masks and your chairs, and we'll give you chalk to decorate your spot.

After you have registered, you can order dinner from Ruthie's Rolling Café and ice cream from Sweet Firefly by October 21 or you can bring your own picnic.
We'll also have a Network of Community Ministries truck that we can fill with donations as you arrive.

Come join FUMCR with all of the festive FUN as we gather to celebrate this season together!

Registration is full.

Need more details? We've got 'em!

Before you leave home:

On Saturday, Oct 24, you'll receive an email with your assigned party spot number. Your spot will be designated within the lines of parking spaces in the lot on the west side on Custer Road near First Center and Oliphint Field.

You're invited to dress in costume. If you do, please remember to be dressed in a way that will be most welcoming and thoughtful for the children who will attend the event.

Bring your masks (4 years and older), your chairs or a blanket to sit on the concrete in your party spot, and food or drinks that your family will need.
Bring a bare pumpkin with you if you wish to join in the decorating contest.
If you wish to bring items to donate to Network of Community Ministries, any pantry staples, toiletries, and baby items are welcome or check out their wish list for suggestions. 
Some families may want to use a wagon for getting things from your car to the FUNfest area across the street.

All orders for food or dessert from Ruthie’s Rolling Café or Sweet Firefly will need to be completed by Oct 21.

When you arrive:

Beginning at 4:00 on Sunday, Oct 25, you may arrive to start making your way to your party spot. You'll park your car on the main campus on the east side of Custer Road. Welcoming team members will be around to help you navigate parking and crossing the street to the FUNfest area. The Network of Community Ministries truck will be near the parking area where you can drop of any donations that you might bring. A police officer will be at the crosswalk to assist with crossing to the FUNfest area on the west side of Custer Road.

You will find your assigned party spot. Supplies will be there: silly string to “silly string” Pastor Clayton when he comes by, chalk to decorate your spot, items to use to decorate your pumpkin, and so much more that you will need for the FUN.

What to expect during the event:

Once you are in your party spot, please stay there except when traveling groups bring games to your spot. They will help you participate in all games and activities so that everyone remains comfortable and safe. We'll have entertainment from the stage throughout the event, including live music from the Metroplexers. One member of each family group may leave to pick up any food that you've pre-ordered from Ruthie's. Sweet Firefly will deliver pre-ordered desserts to you at your party spot. Enjoy the event and celebrate together from 4:30 - 6:00. Please remember to wear masks except when eating or drinking.

At the end of the event:

At 6:00 we'll begin releasing sections of party spots in groups so that we can manage physically distanced safe departures for everyone walking and driving.

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