Dessert Theater 2024: Walking on Sunshine
Shows: Fri, Mar 8, 7 pm and Sat, Mar 9, 3 pm and 7 pm, Worship & Arts Center
Auction and Dessert: 1 hour prior to each show
Welcome to our 11th great Dessert Theater production! Walking on Sunshine : A Celebration of Beach Favorites features a live band, choreography, costumes, and lots of fun and familiar tunes by The Beach Boys, Otis Redding, The Mama and the Papas, Katrina and the Waves, and songs from Grease, Barbie, and others presented by our enthusiastic, multi-talented Journey Youth Choir teens (grades 7-12) and featuring the Jubilation Choir (grades 4-6).
Desserts and beverages will be served prior to each show.
A silent auction will be held at each show and close, closing at intermission. Items will be distributed at the close of each show.
Cost: $15 general / $20 priority (floor seats). First come, first served. Use discount code: STUDENTDISCOUNT to receive $5 off your order of a child/youth ticket.
• Buy Online
• Buy in person on Sunday mornings, Feb 18, 25, and March 3 on the Concourse
This fundraiser provides financial support for our youth choir program. This year, we will be traveling to L.A. and San Diego to share God’s work singing at area churches, hospitals, assisted living centers, and child group homes. Our teens will also enjoy sight-seeing and travel activities. This trip also serves as a thank-you for the music they provide at our 8:45 am worship services. Funds raised also defray the Dessert Theater production costs.