Habitat Walkathon
Sat, Feb 27, 9 am, UTD
Support Richardson Area Interfaith Habitat by walking or supporting a walker. Proceeds provide funds for the 2021 house build.
Walkers should check in between 8:30 and 9 am in the UTD Parking lot at the corner of Floyd & Lookout. The walk kicks off at 9 am with a prayer. Route is 5 miles. Snacks, water, coffee, and soft drinks will be provided before, during and after the walk. Masks and physical distancing will be required.
Registration: $15 per person or $30 per family (offset $5 /$100 turned in that morning; includes a t-shirt for participants)
FUMCR representatives: Ed Murray (972.301.2794) and Mike Proch (214.415.0063)
Sponsored by Richardson Area Interfaith Habitat. Visit us at riah.org or facebook.com/RichardsonHabitat
Working in partnership with Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity.
Back-up date: March 6
Give Online to Richardson Area Interfaith Habitat
Visit fumcr.com/GiveNow and select Fund: Other, Sub-Fund: Habitat for Humanity - Richardson.