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Leadership Group for Single Parent Ministry

FUMCR's Single Parent Action Network Ministry (SPAN) is looking for people who have a passion for parents, children, and building community.

SPAN meets monthly, generally on the 3rd Monday of each month. We offer a meal, an activity or program for the parents, and an activity for the kids. Community and fellowship are the main goals of this group.

In order to expand this ministry, we are building a leadership team of volunteers to serve in these key roles:
1. Programming Chair to plan monthly activity and quarterly programs;
2. Children's Activities Coordinator to plan monthly activities for the kids, simple things like games and crafts;
3. Care and Hospitality Team (2-4 people) who just "show up" every month to get to know the parents, the kids, and their needs.

To learn more, please contact Tracy Thomas at or 972.996.0147.

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