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Spring Habitat Build

Our Spring Habitat Build will take place March 25 - June 10 (not meeting April 8 or May 27). We need people each Saturday for 10 weeks to help with the building of a house. Tasks vary depending on the stage of construction for the build sites. 

All skill levels — from willing learner to professional builder — are welcome. Just come out with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. Volunteers who are 16 or 17 must be accompanied by a parent/ guardian who will also be volunteering that day. 

To volunteer for Habitat:

1. Please use this Volunteer Portal to create an account with Habitat. 
2. Once your account has been created, Complete Registration and Background Check Here
3. After you receive an email from Sterling Volunteers informing you that your background check is complete, you can sign up for specific shifts at RAIH Spring Build 2023 (

Saturday Volunteer Schedule

7:ooam - Bus leaves from FUMCR (you will have to meet us there if you arrive late - limited parking available onsite)
7:20am - Check-in at build site
7:30am - Safety Speech
12:00pm - Work ends

Contact: Ed Murray / OR Mike Proch /

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