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  • Thrive in Your Relationships: Thrive in Your Marriage  •  Sat, Apr 14  •   Publish: 11/22/2017  •   XWH2MUBOXN

    When & Where: Sat  •  Apr 14  •  9 am - 3 pm  •  Ogden Fellowship Hall
    Led by: Dr. Terry Parsons
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    This is the third of a three part series of workshops focusing on our relationships.  You may choose one or more.  Whether you have been married for a short while or for a long time, this seminar is for you.  We will focus on the most important marital issues that will help you not only survive, but to thrive in your marriage. $50. per couple (includes materials, lunch and snacks)

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 22 - Apr 13

  • Methodism 101  •  Sun, Apr 8 - 29  •   Publish: 11/22/2017  •   2NY34VEPH7

    When & Where: Sun  •  Apr 8 - 29  •  11 am - 12 pm  •  Room 204
    Led by: Rev. Fred Trevino
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: 2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 5th grade at 11.

    Explore the basics of United Methodist belief and practice. Gain an understanding of Wesleyan Heritage, increase your knowledge and understanding of United Methodist theology and learn more about the sacraments of baptism and communion. Newcomers and life-long United Methodists benefit from this four session course.

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 22 - Apr 7

  • Women’s Bible Study: “Trusting the Covenant”  •  Tue, Apr 3 - May 22  •   Publish: 11/22/2017  •   2O8J6EQA6S

    When & Where: Tue  •  Apr 3 - May 22  •  11:30 am - 1:00 pm  •  Room 208
    Led by: Marsha Mayo and Debbie O’Reilly
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    Covenant Bible Study is an in-depth group experience of reading and discussing the Bible together, learning how to love God and each other better.  Covenant represents a relationship, a living, breathing conversation.

    Cost: $20 for participant guide

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 22 - Apr 2

  • Perkins Theological School for the Laity  •  Thur, Fri, Sat, March 22-24  •   Publish: 1/16/2018  •   603ZVFMYSK

    When & Where: Thur, Fri, Sat  •  March 22-24  •  12:30 pm Thur - 4 pm Sat  •  SMU
    Led by: Perkins faculty and guest speakers
    Childcare: No

    Three days of study focusing on Bible, theology, and spirituality.

    Schedule, Course Descriptions, Pricing


  • Thrive in Your Relationships: Commit—for Seriously Dating and Premarital Couples  •  Sat, Mar 10  •   Publish: 11/22/2017  •   WZ9VY43BC4

    When & Where: Sat  •  Mar 10  •  9 am - 3 pm  •  Ogden Fellowship Hall
    Led by: Dr. Terry Parsons
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    This is the second of a three part series of workshops focusing on our relationships.  You may choose one or more.  The most important relationship decision you will ever make is the decision to marry.  This seminar is specifically designed to equip you with the essential tools to help you have a faith-directed intimate, lifetime marriage. $50. per couple (includes materials, lunch and snacks)

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 22 - Mar 9

  • Making Sense of the Bible  •  Mon, Feb 12 - Mar 19  •   Publish: 11/20/2017  •   AH65C96CZ1

    When & Where: Mon  •  Feb 12 - Mar 19  •  7-8:30 pm  •  Room 205
    Led by: Dr. Justin Tull
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    This study explores the overall of Old and New Testament, the roll of God and people in creating the Bible, and how to make sense of challenging topics in the Bible like faith and science, violence, and sexuality.

    Please purchase a copy of the book, Making Sense of the Bible, by Adam Hamilton.

    REGISTER ONLINE until Feb 12

  • Parenting the Love & Logic Way  •  Sun, Feb 11 - Mar 25  •   Publish: 11/22/2017  •   CUKSOSI62P

    When & Where: Sun  •  Feb 11 - Mar 25  •  4 - 6 pm  •  Room 205
    Led by: Shirley Miller
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    Raise children who are self-confident, motivated, and ready for the real world with this win-win approach to parenting. Your children will win because they’ll learn to solve their own problems while gaining the confidence they need to meet life’s challenges. And you’ll win because you’ll establish healthy control – without resorting to anger, threats, nagging or exhausting power struggles. Parenting with Love & Logic puts the fun back into parenting. For parents of elementary aged students. $20 for workbook (1 per couple).

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 22 - Feb 10

  • Thrive in Your Relationships: All Relationships  •  Sat, Feb 10  •   Publish: 11/22/2017  •   CYGIQZFN3Y

    When & Where: Sat  •  Feb 10  •  9 am - 3 pm  •  Ogden Fellowship Hall
    Led by: Dr. Terry Parsons
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    This is part of a three part series of workshops focusing on our relationships.  You may choose one or more.  All of us have room for improvement in how we relate to family members, friends, colleagues, and challenging people.  In this session, learn how to better understand others, how to communicate more effectively, and how to positively resolve differences and conflicts. $50 per couple/individual (includes materials, lunch and snacks).

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 22 - Feb 9

  • A Christian Believes …  •  Sun, Feb 4 - 18  •   Publish: 11/22/2017  •   MQJ4RE8P8Q

    When & Where: Sun  •  Feb 4 - 18  •  11 am - 12 pm  •  Room 203
    Led by: Ed Frantz
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: 2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 5th grade at 11.

    What are the sources and norms of the church’s age-old doctrines?  Why are traditional understandings addressing divine sovereignty, revelation and salvation problematic?  Explore the alternative understandings held by a growing number of Christians, mainline and progressive.

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 20 - Feb 3

  • Reclaiming Prayer  •  Sun, Feb 4 - 18  •   Publish: 11/22/2017  •   U4XG771U75

    When & Where: Sun  •  Feb 4 - 18  •  11 am - 12 pm  •  Room 205
    Led by: JB Bryant
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: 2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 5th grade at 11.

    The first Sunday will explore the scriptural understanding of prayer from the Jews through the early Christian movements.  The second session will look at meditation with a deeper dive into “The Cloud of Unknowing.”.  The last Sunday will look at contemplative prayer, binding us to Christ as one, and to each other.

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 22 - Feb 3

  • Listening for God  •  Thur, Feb 1 - Apr 5  •   Publish: 11/22/2017  •   CMXNR7217M

    When & Where: Thur  •  Feb 1 - Apr 5  •  7-8:30 pm  •  Room 230A
    Led by: Dr. Dan Flanagan
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    If you enjoy reading and exploring religious meaning in literature, this course explores short stories from some of the best contemporary Christian writers such as Flannery O’Connor, Frederick Buechner, Annie Dillard and Garrison Keillor.  Discuss religious themes developed through characters and events.  Video introductions of each author will be used as well.

    Cost: $14 (for the book)

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 22 - Jan 31

  • Oliphint/Hoyt  •  Sun, Jan 28 - Apr 8  •   Publish: 11/20/2017  •   3W1UYFL7PA

    When & Where: Sun  •  Jan 28 - Apr 8  •  3:00 - 4:30 pm  •  Leader's home
    Led by: Erin Oliphint and Erica Hoyt
    Childcare: No

    Let's be real..."adulting" can be rough. This group is designed to be a community of young adult individuals and couples who can support each other as we journey through the ups and downs of life. Each small group session will focus on the sermon from that same day. We will have discussion and apply what we have learned back into our daily lives.

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 20 - Mar 31

  • Baumann/Lyons  •  Wed, Jan 24 - Apr 11  •   Publish: 11/20/2017  •   RKUT0HKJ2W

    When & Where: Wed  •  Jan 24 - Apr 11  •  1-2:30pm  •  Room 210
    Led by: Suzie Lyons and Jean Baumann
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    We are a diverse group of women and men, individuals and couples, who enjoy the diverse community at FUMCR that we believe makes for a strong, vibrant congregation.

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 20 - Mar 31

  • Enneagram Journey: Soul Work, Self-Awareness, Spiritual Transformation  •  Wed, Jan 24 - Mar 28  •   Publish: 11/20/2017  •   V535ZHU1S9

    When & Where: Wed  •  Jan 24 - Mar 28  •  9:30 - 11:45 am  •  Room 230A
    Led by: Lisa Hancock
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    This experiential course utilizes the Enneagram, an ancient tool from centuries of Judeo-Christian faith and scholarship that is used for cultivating self-awareness, growth and person transformation. Insights from this course can answer life-long questions about our behavior and unconscious motivations. Newly learned self-knowledge assists in our walks with God and enables our true and best self to emerge and can transform the way we relate to others.

    Cost: $90, includes participant workbook

    REGISTER ONLINE until Jan 22

  • Adams  •  Tue, Jan 23 - Apr 10  •   Publish: 11/20/2017  •   CT1OKKE8RI

    When & Where: Tue  •  Jan 23 - Apr 10  •  7 - 8:30 pm  •  Rm 215, 2nd floor Education Building
    Led by: Sheri Adams
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    Our group welcomes women of all ages and stages. We encourage one another through babies, jobs, losses, hardships, joys and 'God moments!' We laugh a lot and enjoy 'doing life together' through service projects, movies and dinners together. We grow in our faith journey by selecting a different topic, book or DVD series to discuss each semester. This Winter, we'll be exploring methods to study the Bible. This will be a fun, approachable, and low-study commitment. Come join us!

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 20 - Mar 31

  • Sims/Smith  •  Tue, Jan 23 - Apr 10  •   Publish: 11/20/2017  •   FEIHISK1Z4

    When & Where: Tue  •  Jan 23 - Apr 10  •  6:30 - 8 pm  •  Room 211, 2nd floor education building
    Led by: Stuart and Dalaina Sims, Scott and Shannon Smith
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    This group is made up of adults ranging from late 20s to early 40s, with or without kids. Group discussions are based around topics that are relevant to our life stages. We enjoy socializing together at our group meetings, growing deeper in our relationship with God and doing mission work within the community.

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 20 - Mar 31

  • Bookman/Tesmer/Cox  •  Sun, Jan 21 - Apr 8  •   Publish: 11/20/2017  •   1O5R1V5G6J

    When & Where: Sun  •  Jan 21 - Apr 8  •  12:15 pm  •  Room 227A
    Led by: Jenny Cox and Larry Cox, Ron Bookman, Steve and Vickie Tesmer
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    A mixed group of singles and couples, ages 40+.

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 20 - Mar 31

  • Bray/Kuddes/Bohannon  •  Sun, Jan 21 - Apr 8  •   Publish: 11/20/2017  •   PRJOJT1PPO

    When & Where: Sun  •  Jan 21 - Apr 8  •  12:15 - 1:30  •  Room 210
    Led by: Laura Bray, Suzie Kuddes, Tammy Bohannon
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    A mixed group of adults, couples and singles, men and women.

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 20 - Mar 31

  • Women's Bible Study: Living the Covenant  •  Tue, Jan 9 - Feb 27  •   Publish: 11/20/2017  •   733WL8GFJF

    When & Where: Tue  •  Jan 9 - Feb 27  •  11:30 am -1:00 pm  •  Room 208
    Led by: Marsha Mayo and Debbie O'Reilly
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    Covenant Bible Study is an in-depth group experience of reading and discussing the Bible together, learning how to love God and each other better.  Covenant represents a relationship, a living, breathing conversation.

    Cost: $25 for participant guide.

    REGISTER ONLINE Nov 20 - Feb 26

  • Financial Peace  •  Sun, Jan 7 - Mar 11 (except Feb 4)  •   Publish: 11/8/2017  •   WSWNENTSA6

    When & Where: Sun  •  Jan 7 - Mar 11 (except Feb 4)  •  5-6:30 pm  •  Room 203
    Led by: Scott & Shannon Smith
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    Start the New Year out right by getting your finances in order. Learn how to plan, save and grow together! Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University offers practical, proven advice for dealing with the financial part of life and the relationships it involves.

    Cost: $109 (single or couple)


  • Common Ground  •  Sun, Weekly  •   Publish: 2/22/2018  •   C47FWP0QXR

    When & Where: Sun  •  Weekly  •  9:45-10:45 am  •  Room 213
    Led by:
    Childcare: Yes. Nursery (0-23 mos.) & Sunday school (2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 5th grade at 11)

    Weekly bible and topical discussions led by guest teachers and class members. The group is a diverse family of Christ-focused single parents who are dedicated to growing together through faith, fellowship, and service.


  • Confirmation Connection  •  Sun, Weekly, Sept-Apr  •   Publish: 2/22/2018  •   4BT7DI7YSL

    When & Where: Sun  •  Weekly, Sept-Apr  •  9:45-10:45 am  •  Room 214
    Led by:
    Childcare: Yes. Nursery (0-23 mos.) & Sunday school (2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 5th grade at 11)

    The focus of this group is to expose parents to the curriculum the students are learning, understand the Confirmation process, learn more about FUMCR, and discuss how to support and guide 6th graders at this point in their faith journey.


  • Middle Ground  •  Sun, Weekly, Sept-May  •   Publish: 2/22/2018  •   O8LVTNA5QV

    When & Where: Sun  •  Weekly, Sept-May  •  9:45-10:45 am  •  Mays Hall
    Led by:
    Childcare: Yes. Nursery (0-23 mos.) & Sunday school (2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 5th grade at 11)

    Most current members have middle/junior high school students, but the class welcomes all parents. Sunday mornings may be youth curriculum, topical discussions infused with biblical application, or simply praying for one another over our joys and concerns. Middle Ground meets during the school year only, beginning on the Sunday after Labor Day through the Sunday before Memorial Day.


  • Women's Advent Study  •  Tue, Nov 28 - Dec 19  •   Publish: 10/17/2017  •   KLWTSU532P

    When & Where: Tue  •  Nov 28 - Dec 19  •  12-1 pm  •  227A/B
    Led by: Marsha Mayo and Debbie O'Reilly
    Childcare: Yes. Please make reservations by emailing at least one week before the group meeting.

    What if it really wasn't that hard to find more peace, more quiet, more room in your heart for the Christ child to be born? Pamela Hawkins will guide you through the busy season of Advent in Simply Wait: Cultivating Stillness in the Season of Advent, and you'll come out of the four weeks more centered, rested, and spiritually renewed. Gather with a group of women during the lunch hour for fellowship and to discuss the book.

    REGISTER ONLINE Oct 16 - Nov 27

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