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Then Jesus said ... “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” - John 8:31-32

Group Life: Woven

Sun •  Nov 3-24  •  9:45-10:45am  •  Room 214

About Our Group for Men & Women

We'll use the book Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn't Have to Heal From as a tool to help parents and caregivers nurture faith in their family and help connect to a God who loves them. Hosted by Common Ground Sunday School Class.


Rev. Cheryl Bishop


Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: 2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 1st grade at 11.


Events for Adults
Crafting Community - an Intergenerational Sunday School Experience

Sun, Sept 1, 9:45 - 10:45 am, Coleman Family Hall

I Love Sunday School

Sun, Sept 8, all morning

Creation Care Fair

Sun, Sept 22, 9:30am–12:30pm, Concourse

Swing Dance

Wednesdays, Sept 25 - Oct 30 7-9 pm

Garden Ministry Fall Plant Sale

Garden Ministry Fall Plant Sale Order: Sept 27 - Oct 6 Pick Up: Oct 12, 9-11am, Greenhouse

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