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Then Jesus said ... “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” - John 8:31-32

Group Life: Devoted Bodies

Mon •  Sept 9 - Oct 21  •  7 - 8:30 pm  •  Room 227

About Our Group for Men & Women

This Bible study utilizes scripture and health education to bring to light the importance of caring for our bodies - the temple of the Holy Spirit - and offers practical steps on how we can do so. Participants will be invited to a 40-day challenge, taking time out to eat the way God originally planned. Cost: $20


Lisa and Rob Caire


Yes. Please make reservations when you register for the class.


Events for Adults
Let's Talk: Mental Health Sunday

Sun, Sept 29, 9:45-10:45am, Mays Hall (Adults) & Youth Worship Space (Youth)

Blood Drive

Sun, Oct 13, 8:30am-12:30pm, FUMCR Parking Lot

Richardson Interfaith Alliance Feeding Children Everywhere Event

Sun, Oct 13, 12-4:30pm, East Plano Islamic Center

Estate Planning Goals: Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Oct 27 at noon OR Oct 294 at 5:30

Fall FUNfest 2024

Sun, Oct 27, 4-6pm, FUMCR West Parking Lot

Tuesday Afternoon Movies

In the Worship & Arts Center

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