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Children's Ministry

Children in Worship

Our staff visited a church that worships differently than we do. There were things we liked and things we disliked about the service. The most different thing we experienced was the lack of children in the service: there were none.

When the service was over we saw a few parents of tiny infants exiting the "cry room" located behind us. We all noticed the absence of children and, if I may speak for the rest of those in attendance, we missed the children. It reminded me of a scene in the 1968 movie, "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," where the leading man (Dick Van Dyke) and the leading lady (Sally Ann Howe) realize that something is missing from the city they are visiting, but they all have a little trouble deciding what it is until they are told that the children are either locked up or in hiding.

At First United Methodist Church Richardson, the children are not in hiding.

We worship WITH children and even FOR children in some instances. Here are some phrases I hear concerning children in worship:

"Children should be seen and not heard in worship."

Have you ever heard a child sing the doxology or recite the Lord’s Prayer with all their heart? It brings tears to my eyes to know that church tradition is being passed on to yet another generation and so on and so on.

"Children just cannot understand what is being said" or "children just get the worship bags and zone out."

Just like my parents did, I ask my children at least one thing about the worship service or sermon each Sunday after church and quite often they surprise even me with how much they heard.

"Children are a distraction to those around them."

This can be true, but when you are distracted do you:
Smile at the family and turn back around in your seat?
Frown and grumble at the perpetrator and cross your arms?
Our response to children in worship speaks volumes to them about the love of God and their church family.

“I would much rather see children in worship than not see them at all!”

This is a direct quote from me, the children’s director of course! Take a note from that great rabbi, Jesus, and just say, “Let the Children Come!”

Events for Children & Families
Register for Summer Camps

Registration opens Dec 1 and Jan 1 for children's camps

Burgers, Bubbles, & Bids

Fri, Mar 28, 5:30-7:30pm, Playground Plaza

Summer Sneak Peek

Sun, Mar 30, FUMCR Campus

Easter Story Walk

Apr 13-18, Playground Plaza

Easter Egg Hunt

Sun, Apr 13, 4-6pm, Oliphint Field

Children's Choir Spring Musical - Light it Up!

Sun, Apr 27, 3-4pm, Worship & Arts Center

Children's Ministry This Week

Children's Ministry Staff

Natalie Nenovich
Natalie Nenovich
Director, Children's Ministry
Wendy Jones
Wendy Jones
FUMCR Preschool Director
Erin Oliphint
Erin Oliphint
FUMCR Preschool Assistant Director
Riley Flores
Riley Flores
Assistant Director, Children's Ministry
Cheryl Winnenberg
Cheryl Winnenberg
Assistant, Children's, Youth & Sports Ministries
Ashley Kelly
Ashley Kelly
Children's Ministry Engagement Coordinator
Dede Woods
Dede Woods
Children's Ministry Associate

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