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Children's Ministry

Children and Communion

At what age can my child receive Communion?

Any age! United Methodists practice an "open table." We do not exclude people based on age or religious tradition.

We do understand that the concept of Communion is a tough topic (even for adults!). For this reason when the Communion servers get to children, they may not say the formal phrase "The Body of Christ ..." but rather a more age-appropriate phrase such as "This means that God loves you very much." Younger children are literal, and talking about the "body" of Christ and eating is weird! Instead, focus on this wonderful traditional ritual of our church. Help your child feel comfortable even when standing in line. Quietly explain what is happening. If you are going to pray after being served, prepare your child for this quiet moment by telling him or her, "Let's pray for a second." (But keep it quick for their sake.)

Communion is taught throughout the years in the Sunday school curriculum as well as extensively during 7th grade Confirmation.

Events for Children & Families
Register for Summer Camps

Registration opens Dec 1 and Jan 1 for children's camps

Burgers, Bubbles, & Bids

Fri, Mar 28, 5:30-7:30pm, Playground Plaza

Summer Sneak Peek

Sun, Mar 30, FUMCR Campus

Easter Story Walk

Apr 13-18, Playground Plaza

Easter Egg Hunt

Sun, Apr 13, 4-6pm, Oliphint Field

Children's Choir Spring Musical - Light it Up!

Sun, Apr 27, 3-4pm, Worship & Arts Center

Children's Ministry This Week

Children's Ministry Staff

Natalie Nenovich
Natalie Nenovich
Director, Children's Ministry
Wendy Jones
Wendy Jones
FUMCR Preschool Director
Erin Oliphint
Erin Oliphint
FUMCR Preschool Assistant Director
Riley Flores
Riley Flores
Assistant Director, Children's Ministry
Cheryl Winnenberg
Cheryl Winnenberg
Assistant, Children's, Youth & Sports Ministries
Ashley Kelly
Ashley Kelly
Children's Ministry Engagement Coordinator
Dede Woods
Dede Woods
Children's Ministry Associate

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