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Caring Ministry

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

Prayer Blankets

Please note that for the time being, we are unable to offer prayer blankets.

Prayer blankets may be requested by members of FUMCR for family or friends who are facing surgery, critical illness, military deployment or other crisis in their lives.

Each blanket is specially prepared for its recipient with deep-cut fringe and machine-embroidered United Methodist cross and flame. Blankets are in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings awaiting worshippers who will offer prayers while knotting the fringe. A tag lists the recipient and the reason for receiving. Requestors pick up the blankets and personally deliver them as a symbolic covering of prayer.

Request Blanket

This ministry depends solely on donations of time, money and fleece in order to provide this meaningful symbol of our faith in God's power to comfort those in need. Learn more about how to help

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