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Missions & Community Engagement

And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

Church & Society

Advocating the gospel of Jesus Christ in the church and in society through ministries of justice and peace, working in areas of important social concerns, and developing resources to inform, motivate, and train United Methodists on issues of social justice.

3rd Sunday of each month, 12pm, Room 210, Education Center

New group members are always welcome to join us as we work in areas of important social concern, developing resources to inform, motivate, and train United Methodists on issues of social justice in the society.

Contact Cathy Chen at for more information or to help.

Initiatives We Support

New Friends New Life

Restoring and empowering trafficked and sexually exploited teen girls, women and their children, and driving awareness of the issue and its prevalence. By providing access to education, job training, interim financial assistance, mental health, and spiritual support, New Friends New Life helps women and their children overcome backgrounds of abuse, addiction, poverty, and limited opportunities. Read More 
   ⇒  Volunteers provide lunch once each quarter for ongoing program for women who have escaped the sex industry. 

Neighbor in Need (NIN) Fund

FUMCR’s resource to assist people who walk in or call seeking emergency financial assistance.
  ⇒  Volunteers contribute money to the fund. 

Focus Topics

We hope the following information (collected for Focus Table displays) spurs thought, conversation, and growth.

Creation Care

Missions & Community Engagement Opportunities
Garden Ministry Tomato, Herb, and Pepper Sale

Sat, Mar 15, 9am-12pm and Sun, Mar 16, 9am-12pm

Ramadan Dinner with the Dialogue Institute Dallas

Sun, Mar 23, 7-9pm, Coleman Family Hall

Creation Care Lunch

Sun, Mar 30, 11:45am-1pm, Coleman Family Hall

Missions & Community Engagement This Week

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