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Adult Ministry

Then Jesus said ... “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” - John 8:31-32

Baby Boomers Adult Ministry

We welcome anyone who is looking for a place to plug in for social and service activities with others in the same age range, roughly mid-50s - early 70s, regardless of employment status, children, or marital status. 

Join Us!

Fellowship One: Join Our Group
Facebook: FUMCR Baby Boomers 
Contacts: Dr. Dan Flanagan ( and Sylvie Utley ( 

2020 Plans

Wednesday, April 1
New Friends New Life Dinner (Service Project)

Saturday, April 25
World Tai Chi Demonstration, Allen Library

Wednesday, June 24
Ark House Patriotic Care Baskets

Friday, August 21
AIDS Services of Dallas Supper Club (Service Project)

Friday, July 17
Late Night at Dallas Museum of Art

Saturday, August 1
Movie Night & Potluck Dinner

Thursday, September 17
Cool Thursday Concert at Dallas Arboretum

October - Date TBD
Bonfire All Church

Monday, November 16
SPAN Dinner (Service Project)

Month of November
Letters of LOVE (Service Project) 

Events for Adults
The Wonderful World of Jesus Discussion Guide

Spark conversations with these engaging questions.

BIG Sunday School

Sundays at 9:45am in July

Partner Schools Work Day

Sat, Aug 10, 9am-12pm, Mark Twain Elementary & Dover Elementary

Swing Dance

Session 1: 8/14-9/18, Session 2: 9/25-10/30, 7-9 pm

Explore First Listening Sessions

Sun, Aug 18, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm, Coleman Family Hall

Crafting Community - an Intergenerational Sunday School Experience

Sun, Sept 1, 9:45 - 10:45 am, Coleman Family Hall

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