

Week 10 - 3/9/2014


Who to Thank

A civil servant



For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, provided it is received with thanksgiving

1 Timothy 4:4



Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

Denis Waitley

Week 9 - 3/2/2014


Who to Thank

Someone whose performance you appreciated



Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

Psalm 95:2



I wake up curious every day and every day I'm surprised by something. And if I can just recognize that surprise every day and say, "Oh, that's a new thing, that's a new gift that I got today that I didn't even know about yesterday," . . . it keeps me enthusiastic and grateful.

Michael J. Fox

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. . . much easier for me to write a song about it.


One of my favorite quotes about gratitude is from John F. Kennedy, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words but to live by them.” I’ve always believed gratitude played a huge part of my life. I sometimes can see all I have to give thanks for in my life but more than give thanks, I know that the time I am grateful each year, each day, each moment, is by the way I’m living gratitude. Gratitude has been said to have molded and shaped the entire Christian life not merely by emotions and thoughts, but by actions and deeds. Continue Reading

This submission is by Celia Whitler, Songwriter, author, singer and friend of FUMCR.



Gratitude for the HAPPY People!


I have been trying my best to keep up with the thank yous in our year of gratitude. It’s not only been a challenge to think of who to thank, but also a lot of fun. I find myself constantly on the lookout for who I can thank! Most of the time it comes easy because there are so many wonderful people out there~ just being themselves, but making our world a brighter place. Continue Reading

This submission is by Glenda Hanks, FUMCR Member.


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Debra Mason 6/9/2014 Kevin Burns Hand delivered   ZEWIA50IIG
Paula Harrison 6/8/2014 Gloria Scott Note   HX0ZECBIQU
Paula Harrison 6/8/2014 Emily Loren Note   YDR3TDK95N
mehoward 6/7/2014 Jeremy Mitchell (Toyota of Lewisville) mailed   VZ5C88QA7P
mehoward 6/7/2014 Jane Dempsey mailed   INX7ERJ1ZU
Paula Harrison 6/7/2014 Melinda Bogoslavasky Email   5DQIYC5A50
Paula Harrison 6/7/2014 Mary Note   4SOZFZHEY4
Debra Mason 6/7/2014 Marilyn Davis Mailed   70WVOZ24R3
Debra Mason 6/7/2014 Chuck Davis Mailed   X0KS6FK0SB
Debra Mason 6/7/2014 Jonesy McConnell Mailed   I3Z7J4YVKG