Oct 07

Is Your Life an Ocean or a Ball of Clay?

ocean and beach“Some people see life like an ocean. They go where the current takes them. Other people see life like a ball of clay in their hands – something to be held and shaped and molded.” WaitButWhy blogger, Tim Urban, began a recent post with those statements and used stick-figure drawings to illustrate the pros and cons of each approach. He concluded, “The question isn’t whether life is better lived as an ocean or a ball of clay. It’s about when is the right, and the wrong time for each one.”

The Serenity Prayer seeks God’s help in responding to that question:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

I’ve had some ocean/clay decisions to make this past week as I learned that the completion of our new facilities at church would be delayed until January 29th. On one hand I wanted to reshape this unexpected future. On the other hand, I knew I didn’t have any control over key factors like construction worker availability.

Some prayer and conversations with our wonderful church staff helped me quickly see ways that I could positively respond to this unexpected future even if I couldn’t change it. I could choose to surrender to God my worries over things I couldn’t control. I could choose to look for new positive opportunities that the change will create. I could give thanks for evidence along the way of God working for good in all things (Romans 8:28). I’m very blessed to work with such spiritually mature teammates!

This delay is no more than just that. Our mission remains, the work God is doing for our community through Access remains, and our new worship space is still coming! Until then we’ll continue to connect with God and each other for the sake of our community at various events including the following:

  • This Sunday, October 9th, at 11:00 a.m. – Eric and Rich will help lead traditional worship and preach. Wear your Access t-shirt if you have one!
  • Sunday, October 16th, at 2:30 p.m. – Access worship in the Fleming Rehearsal Hall followed by Cowboys tailgate. Be sure to bring food to donate to NETWORK, and if you have a recipe, enter the chili cook-off! More details here.
  • Sunday, October 23rd, Noon-2:00 p.m. – Launch Summit with lunch, worship, and the Access staff learning from and brainstorming with you around how to make our spiritual opportunities and resources the best they can be. Also, bring candy for our Access-sponsored trunk at this year’s Trunk or Treat!

You can get text message event reminders by texting schedule to 88202, and we keep an updated event list at http://www.accessfumcr.com/access-events/

Whatever unexpected changes come at you now or in the future, I encourage you to pray the Serenity Prayer. It helps me, and I believe it will help you as you discern whether to respond like life is an ocean or like it’s a ball of clay.

In Christ,

Rich Rindfuss
Rich Rindfuss
Access Pastor
First United Methodist Church Richardson


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